Bill Maher Responds to Backlash, Clarifies Stan Lee's Comments


Comedian Bill Maher has responded to criticism of his recent comments on Stan Lee and Marvel Comics. Lee died about a week ago and the world cried his loss in many ways. Many fans have paid tribute to social media and created a sanctuary for his star in the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Black Panther actor Chadwick Boseman even paid a musical homage to the legend of fallen comedy.

While most people were mourning Lee's death, Maher took a different approach, apparently criticizing Lee and the people who love comics. In his recent comments, Maher seemed to completely forget the good that Lee had done for the world besides writing comics saying "I do not think it's an exaggerated choice to suggest that Donald Trump could only be elected in a country that thinks comics are important. " Fans have been quick to criticize Maher since fans still mourn the loss of their hero and their prisoner of war! Entertainment even responded by calling his comments "repugnant"And mentioned how Lee often preached tolerance and respect." Maher has since reacted to the brutal reaction he's getting, but that's not exactly what the fans were hoping to hear.

Related: Netflix has an awesome Stan Lee Easter egg

On a recent edition of Larry King now (via L & # 39; envelope) Maher clarified his statement about Lee on Larry King now, explaining that what he said was not a criticism of Lee personally, but rather the idea of ​​comics and comic strip movies. Maher then explained, "What I was saying, it's a culture that thinks that comics are deep meditations on the human condition is a dumb culture. And for people to be angry at this just proves my pointThe complete segment of Maher that talks about the controversy can be seen below.

Although Maher has had a lot of warmth for his recent comments, he is not the only one to criticize people's reactions after Lee's death. Actor Armie Hammer had previously criticized fans and other actors for posting selfies of themselves on social media with Lee. While most people who shared an image of themselves with Lee simply shared a memory that they had of Lee as a means of mourning, Hammer regarded him as a person seeking to attract more and more attention. Warning. The difference between Hammer and Maher lies in the fact that since then, Hammer has sincerely apologized for his comments.

Even though Maher has clarified his words, it will probably not be done for many people to come back on his side. There is no doubt that Lee will never be replaced and his characters and stories will always be part of American culture. For people like Maher, the idea of ​​comics and cartoons may not be important, but for others, they allow them to escape the stress of their everyday life by making them happy. Comics and movies are no different from other types of entertainment and are of paramount importance to society. As Lee once said: "Entertainment is one of the most important things in people's lives. Without he they could go to the bottom of the water. I think if you are able to entertain people, you are doing a good thing. " Well said Mr. Lee, well said.

More: Stan Lee tribute wall allows fans to share messages and memories online

Source: Larry King now (via The Wrap)

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