Bill Maher rips Trump about the caravan: "As a racist Paul Revere – Migrants arrive!"


Actor Bill Maher blasted President Trump on Friday night, accusing Trump of speaking out of fear about the migrant caravan.

The host of "Real Time with Maher Bill" criticized the President's rhetoric about thousands of migrants fleeing violence and poverty in Central America.

"Trump is like a racist Paul Revere. "The migrants are coming! Migrants arrive! Maher said. "He continues to call it an invasion. Yes, an invasion of strollers. "

He also accused Trump of his statements about the alleged mass shooter Robert Bowers, who allegedly killed 11 people in a Pittsburgh synagogue, and Cesar Sayoc Jr., suspected of sending several trapped letters to prominent Democrats.

"He does not stop complaining that the mail-bombs and the shooter of the synagogue hindered his election," he said. "It's his rebuke." These real attacks distract the attention of my invented attack. How is a guy supposed to stir up the hatred of Democrats and Jews when all the media report attacks against Democrats and Jews. "

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