Bill Maher says Kavanaugh's testimony "Unhinged" was wholly led by Donald Trump


During Real Time's monologue with Bill Maher on HBO, the comedian played Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh's pugilist tone during the judge's sworn testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday.

Maher suggested to the man who hoped to fill the post of Deputy Judge at the Supreme Court of the United States, vacated by Anthony Kennedy to retire in July.

Defending himself against charges that he allegedly sexually assaulted Dr. Christine Blasey Ford at a home party in suburban Maryland in the early 1980s, Kavanaugh unleashed a violent show of anger directed at some Senators of the committee.

Maher said Ford's testimony was "convincing".

"When someone is real, it shows," he said. "Even the conservatives had to admit that it was incredible."

Kavanaugh admitted to gobbling beers with other pre-school students, but that he had never lost consciousness and had not fallen into a state of memory loss. The entry into the Kavanaugh directory has been the focus of attention to excessive alcohol consumption and sexual connotations targeting at least one high school student.

Maher summarized Kavanaugh's behavior as "unbalanced".

"If it was a divorce hearing – she would have had the kids," he said as the crowd cheered.

Then, Maher accused President Donald Trump of blame during the hearing in front of the fire and against the sulfur.

"Why did Kavanaugh suddenly act that way? "Because Trump told him not to like Trump, he was sweet and good. He likes bad bread. He wants someone in his image.

"So, he gave her some little slutty lessons. And that's what we saw. "

Maher asserted that the country had become a "very different Brett Kavanaugh", which he compared to "going out the door" in his opening statement as "furious" and "belligerent, bitter and unstable".

And Maher laughed at him for that.

"Because nothing says" I am not able to violently attack! "Flying in a raging rage."

And if Kavanaugh managed to be confirmed to hold the Supreme Court position, Maher suggested that the prestigious bench would be made up of "eight nerds and the Hulk."

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