Bill Maher's new rule for bridging the political divide: 'Shut the F * ck Up & # 39;


HBO Bill Maher think we should just stop talking politics with each other.

"Let's stop talking politics between us," said Maher during his last show of the season. "Everyone says nowadays that the best way to reduce our terrible partisan split is to talk to each other … It never works."

Then, after pointing out that the talking politics was considered rude, he gave this advice to fill the gap of the partisans: "Shut the mouth".

Maher also gave this example of his own life as proof that the speech will not dominate people: "Over the years, hundreds of people have come to me and said," I have seen "Religious" and now I'm an atheist, "I watch Real Time every week and I'm a Liberal now." They will turn against God, but not Trump, this cult is serious. "

He also suggested to stop trying to convince your loved ones to change their political views during the holiday table.

Maher implored that if they had not yet understood Trump, nothing you say "about the bean casserole" will change their minds.

Look above, via HBO

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