Billionaire Tom Steyer Will Donate Additional $ 2 Million to Andrew Gillum in Florida Governor's Run


Steyer personally donates $ 2 million to Andrew Gillum's campaign for the Florida governor. Through his organization, "Need to Impeach", he is leading a massive mass mailing campaign with 300,000 Florida voters who have signed up to support his efforts to oust President Donald Trump. . The mail article specifically refers to Gillum's support for impeachment.

Another Steyer-funded organization, NextGen America, has already spent more than $ 5 million to elect Gillum.

"If you had to choose a single race with the greatest national significance, it would be the governor's race in Florida," said Steyer.

Gillum is running against former Republican Congressman Ron DeSantis and the race will be one of the most watched competitions of the month of November, since DeSantis has tied up with President Donald Trump and has beaten him. Other Republicans. Gillum, meanwhile, would become the first black governor of the state, and would have the support of progressives like Bernie Sanders.

He went on to say that Gillum, in particular, was a special candidate and that "this is a simple African-American young person with regard to education, climate, who has taken charge of the NRA, the health care system, which has talked a lot about justice and the criminal justice system and supports the dismissal of the president. "

Gillum did not hesitate to ask for the dismissal of Trump. He proudly declared, during the Democratic primary, that he was the only candidate to have the "courage" to support this concept and used it to show how he would face Trump's administration. he became governor.

While it worked well in the Democratic primary, DeSantis, the opponent in Gillum's general election, used this position as one example among others to show that the Democrat was outside the mainstream.

"We need a governor who will work constructively with the Trump administration to advance Florida's priorities," DeSantis told CNN in September. "You know that Andrew wants to remove President Trump from what? I do not know."

Steyer does not believe that tying Gillum to destitution would hurt moderate and independent voters. He also claims that this is not an issue that motivates Republicans.

"We looked at 5,000 Republican ads and none of them mentioned the dismissal. So, if you want to know if there is a problem with it. news (for Republicans), this is not the case, "Steyer said.

Instead, young and minority voters who traditionally stay at home in mid-term elections will be motivated to support Gillum, because of his so vocal voice on impeachment, Steyer said.

"Andrew Gillum is straightforward and telling the truth and that's why I think we had such a high participation rate in primary school and why we will have even more participation in November," he said. .

The DeSantis campaign did not respond to CNN's request for Steyer's contribution.

CNN will hold a debate between DeSantis and Gillum on Sunday October 21st at 8pm. ET / 19 hours

Grace Sparks from CNN contributed to this story.

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