Billionaire Tom Steyer's group pushes Andrew Gillum


In his quest to beat three millionaires and a billionaire in the Democratic primary for the governor of Florida, Andrew Gillum now has two billionaires behind him.

Late Thursday, Tom Steyer NextGen America announces that it is endorsing Gillum and is injecting $ 1 million into his campaign, including a $ 500,000 donation from Steyer to Gillum's Political Committee, Forward Florida.

The political organization calls the money an "initial investment" and also says provided 50 organizers as part of an effort to help Gillum with its field operations, digital and postal, in especially those targeting voters under 40 years of age.

"As we struggle for the heart and soul of this nation, Andrew Gillum" Steyer said in a statement: "This is someone we can trust to do what is right, to put people in front of the powerful, and who is not afraid to defend justice, now need the most.Those who are ready to act bravely and to defend what is right are those who will shape the political landscape of the country, and that is why we take this unprecedented step to ensure that Andrew represents the Democratic Party in November. "

Read more: Behind dollars and polls, Andrew Gillum hopes to increase governorship rate

NextGen's relationship with Gillum, the mayor of Tallahassee, dates back to Gillum as Executive Director of the Young Elected Network. as part of an extension of an effort NextGen's policy in Florida, this election cycle having started in March when the organization announced that it was spending $ 3.5 million to register and hire young voters.

Gillum already had the approval of George Soros a billionaire democrat donor, who, with Steyer, had a big hat trick Thursday during a debate on the governorship Fox News when Florida Farm Commissioner Adam Putnam said that the two men were trying to deflect Florida's politics.

They hope at least to push Gillum into the polls and help him offset his financial disadvantage compared to his four democracies. opponents, Gwen Graham Jeff Greene Chris King and Philip Levine .

"Honored to have @ NextGenAmerica & @ Support TomSteyer in this race! They fight for our democratic values ​​throughout the country and we can no longer afford to be patient, "Gillum said Thursday night." The time for a bold and daring change is now and I know we're ready to deliver it in August and November. . "

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