Bill's Lewinsky case was not an abuse of power


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the relationship between her husband Bill and Monica Lewinsky was not an abuse of power, as the 22-year-old White House trainee was an adult.

Clinton said Sunday on the CBS broadcast that Bill Clinton was right when he refused to withdraw as a result of the scandal while he had been indicted for lying about it. In 1999, the House of Representatives voted in favor of indicting Bill Clinton for perjury and obstruction of his investigation into the case. But the Senate acquitted him.

The Clintons are scheduled for a speaking tour and are on the media circuit to promote it. They will likely be re-examined for Bill Clinton's conduct following the national turmoil caused by the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

"(The case) is not an abuse of power?" Asked CBS correspondent Tony Dokoupil. Hillary Clinton said, "No. No, in response.

Hillary Clinton also raised questions about the conduct of President Donald Trump. "But let me ask you this: where is the investigation into the current incumbent, against whom many allegations have been made, and which he rejects, denies and ridicules?" She asked. "So there was an investigation (of Bill)]and, as I believe, went out to the right place. "

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