Birks jeweler Meghan Markle on the back of Markle Effect


  Meghan Markle

It can not be denied that Meghan Markle twinkle, but the unprecedented attention that accompanies the new Duchess of Sussex wearing clothes or the accessories of a brand can have its disadvantages, too. Birks, the 139-year-old Canadian gem that the former star has brought to countless occasions (royal or otherwise), has watched coins sell and seen traffic on his site increase dramatically since Meghan wore a A pair of $ 995 earrings of the brand at the Invictus Games in September 2017. While she sees a similar spike every time the bride has been spotted in one of her pieces, Eva Hartling, Marketing Director and Vice President of Birks, now says that instant global awareness has been both "positive" and "slightly negative".

"Obviously, we do not complain," Hartling told Maclean's in an interview. "But all about Birks right now is about the Duchess wearing our pieces.We are launching new collections in the fall, but no one cares unless the Duchess decides to buy a piece and wear it. "

noted that Markle's mother, Doria Ragland and the stylist, Jessica Mulroney wore earrings and diamond necklaces from the Birks Fall Collection at the Royal Wedding on Saturday, May 19 and the pieces will undoubtedly be coveted by buyers, the jeweler is not the first brand to admit the pitfalls of royal attention.

  Meghan Markle

Issa, The Line Behind the Dress of blue cobalt sister-in-law Markle Kate Middleton wore to announce his commitment to William Award on November 16, 2010, actually closed in May 2013 after the pressure became too big . The super flattering design was one of the first items to benefit from the so-called "Kate Effect", but this turned out to be a blessing and a curse for the small fashion house.

The designer Issa Daniella Helayel eventually led to the disappearance of the already struggling company that struggled with financial problems and was unable to meet the ever-increasing demand. The line was then relaunched in 2015 in partnership with House of Fraser in the UK offering low-cost work clothes.

In the case of Birks, Maclean's prices have been volatile over the last year. The sales figures, meanwhile, do not yet include the period of time since Meghan began wearing the coins while it was linked to Prince Harry . In February, for example, she stacked the $ 4,995 Snowflake Ring and the $ 1,495 Splash Diamond and Yellow Gold Ring for a trip to Edinburgh, Scotland. She also rocked the diamond earrings at a reception for Women's Empowerment at the Royal Aeronautical Society in April, and she was seen in gold rings and other pieces ( including the opal earrings that she wore for her engagement announcement).

While free advertising is certainly not bad news for the brand, there is one more thing Hartling would like to get: a royal warrant. Birks held one in the 1930s for providing silverware to the royal family, and she hopes the time has come to repeat it. "Maybe we'll have another one," she tells Maclean & # 39; s

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