"Enypniastes eximia", a sea cucumber swimming in deep waters, was filmed in the waters of the Southern Ocean off eastern Antarctica.

Australian researchers announced Sunday that a "headless chicken monster" had been sighted swimming in the Antarctic Ocean.

The weird creature that really looks like a head is actually a sea cucumber scientifically known as Eximia Enypniastes. As if resembling a headless chicken was not enough, he also has a webbed vein and a transparent body showing his internal organs. The "monster" is also extremely active for a creature of deep sea and can measure up to 9 inches. past research has shown.

It had already been filmed in the Gulf of Mexico and the Australian government announced today that researchers from the Australian Antarctic Division had videotaped a video showing this strange sea cucumber flapping its veil and appearing to be feeding or crawling with the help of its tentacles on the bottom of the ocean.

This is the first time this headless chicken monster is observed in the waters of the Southern Ocean, the Australian government said in a statement.

"The Southern Ocean is home to an incredible abundance and variety of marine life, including commercially-researched species, whose exploitation must be carefully managed for future generations," he said. Gillian Slocum, Commissioner of Wildlife Resources of Australia (Australia). , said in a statement.

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Australian researchers were able to capture this rare sight thanks to the new technology associated with toothfish longlines.

"Some of the images we receive from the cameras are breathtaking, including species we have never seen in this part of the world," said Dirk Welsford, Program Manager of the Australian Antarctic Division.

The images and data collected, which will be presented at the CCAMLR annual meeting this week, will also show which areas of the ocean could be negatively affected by fishing, Welsford said.

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