Black CEO discovered the N-Word note in the Florida hotel room


A An Afro-American CEO responded Sunday on social networks with optimism for the future to people expressing shock and outrage that someone placed a note with a racial insult in his hotel room during the holidays of July 4th.

SEE ALSO: Hotel offers an excuse, but no ban on guests who shouted the N-Word

Frank Davis a management consultant and founder of the Horizon Group of Companies, thanked a user of Twitter for his "positive and warm comments," adding that "it shows that there is really hope for a better tomorrow."

"As long as we will not tackle hatred and to bigotry, continuous improvement will always be " tweeted Davis, who has long promoted diversity, including a $ 5 million donation in March to Bucknell University for fund diversity initiatives at his alma mater

Davis was staying with his son at the Art Ovation Hotel during their v in Sarasota, Florida. They discovered the note after returning to the breakfast room and a shopping trip, reported WWSB-TV a subsidiary of ABC News.

"And I went to look at the lamp and look at the note was shocked.The note said," You are a ni-er, "he recalls. Davis alerted the hotel's general manager and The Sarasota Police Department The police filed a report but not much more than that.

"They basically touted that it was a freedom incident. expression and not of a formal criminal case, "said the executive

.He offered an apology and a free night, but Davis refused.

" Who knows what other kinds of This person who clearly knew we were there was able to, "said Davis." That's why we decided to move and find additional accommodation for the rest of our stay. "

Art Ovation Hotel investigates the incident and promises to "strengthen its sensitivity training," according to a hotel statement.] SEE ALSO:

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