Black Friday expected to reach $ 6.4 billion in online sales and $ 643 million spent until now – TechCrunch


After a Thanksgiving record with $ 3.7 billion in digital sales on desktops and mobile devices, it seems that Black Friday will also benefit from an exceptional year for e-commerce. Adobe – which tracks billions of transactions across multiple retail sites – says that from 7 pm Pacific time, $ 643 million had already been spent online.

This is not only an increase in sales yesterday to today – while Adobe had recorded $ 406 million – but an increase of about 28.3% over the same period last year . Last year, buyers spent $ 5.03 billion online, a record at the time. Adobe is currently forecasting $ 6.4 billion for Black Friday, and will revise its numbers based on the high demand in the morning.

"Buyers are already capitalizing on early morning Black Friday discounts, and are gearing up for a record black Friday, which is expected to match Cyber ​​Monday of last year," said Taylor Schreiner, director of 39; Adobe Digital Insights.

As with Thanksgiving and global trends in the growing purchase of smartphones, we are seeing a steady shift towards more mobile device purchases, especially smartphones. This is partly because the phones are better, but also because the technology has improved to make the mobile shopping experience faster and easier.

"Mobile shopping continues to skyrocket and see increased conversion," said Schreiner. "Retailers understand that shopping and buying on smartphones is now the norm for consumers and therefore offers better experiences and optimization on mobile devices."

Adobe has not yet released the conversion rate figures for Black Friday, but the number of consumers who would buy after consulting a computer yesterday was even higher: 5% compared to around 3% for smartphones. And if tablets are not as popular as people use them – they only account for about 8% of traffic and purchases – the conversion rates of these are essentially equivalent to those of computers. office.

On the small retail side, things are going well too. Shopify, which provides real-time sales visualization to some 600,000 merchants on its platform – typically smaller retailers than the 80 largest ones tracked by Adobe – notes that currently, average sales to the minute of these merchants currently oscillate around $ 650,000. , a rise earlier today.

Black Friday – once the traditional "beginning" of the holiday sales period – has declined slightly as retailers have been discussing their seasonal promotions earlier and earlier, taking advantage of a key aspect of e-commerce: shopping at any time, not just a store is open.

At the same time, while Thanksgiving offers online retailers a captive audience (physical stores are usually closed), Black Friday really sees them face up, with an extra competitive twist, which allows users to take days off. leave after Thanksgiving. at the stores.

Adobe surveyed buyers earlier in the day and found that 60% of them planned to shop online – like last year – and 43% of them to visit physical stores.

Competitiveness in physical stores has also been a dark tide, with images of crazy customers stomping on each other to find the best value in the media.

It's worth noting that Adobe notes that there has been a sharp increase in "Buy Online, Buy In-Store" transactions, with purchases being doubled Thursday more than a Wednesday to Wednesday. This could perhaps alleviate some of the hot moments in the stores.

Adobe says that since the beginning of the month, $ 38 billion has been spent online, up 18.5% from a year ago.

We will update this article more with the data as we go along.

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