Black hairy tongue begins in the woman after the treatment of the accident


Entering a car accident is bad enough. Now imagine that you are falling into a serious car accident and your tongue suddenly emerges "hair".

It may sound strange, but that's what happened to a 55-year-old woman, according to a case study published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine.

According to the study, the woman had been in a serious car accident where both her legs had been crushed. She was taken to the hospital, but one of her injuries was quickly infected.

Doctors gave him two antibiotics: one, called Merrem, was administered intravenously. Another, called Minocin, was administered orally, according to the study.

She had been recovering for about a week until something strange happened: her tongue was breaking down into patches of black "black hair".

Dr. Yasir Hamad, who treated the patient and published the study, said that it was a "school case" of hairy tongue syndrome black, according to CNN.

Yes, that's the real name of the condition.

"It was very dramatic," Hamad said, according to the Washington Post. "The language was literally black."

"Hair" is not hair exactly. According to the American Academy of Oral Medicine, the syndrome occurs when the small bumps of the tongue, called pappilae, become longer than expected.

According to the group, this can be caused by several factors, including poor hygiene, medication, smoking and excessive consumption of tea or alcohol.

The "hairy" appearance is caused by an accumulation of keratin, a hard substance that makes up the hair, according to the National Institutes of Health.

But it's not dangerous.

"As scary as it sounds, the good part is that it's actually reversible," Hamad said, according to CNN.

The condition usually disappears as long as the patient changes anything. According to the NIH, scratching the tongue with a scraper or toothbrush can help, as can some mouthwashes for severe cases.

In the case of Hamad's patient, the doctors suspected that the oral antibiotic, Minocin, was causing a reaction. According to the study, the doctors removed her from the Minocin and gave her another antibiotic, as well as instructions to take extra precautions with her oral hygiene.

In a few weeks, the hairy tongue was gone.

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