Black Widow Infinity War: The concept art is better than his movie


Concept art for the first characters of Black Widow in Avengers: Infinity War is so much better than what she ended up in the movie. Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson) has regularly changed her wardrobe and hairdressing, film after film, from The Iron Man 2 at Captain America: Civil War, and her most notable update was changing her hair from red to platinum blonde for War of infinity.

In Avengers: Infinity WarThe updated look of Black Widow divides fans, especially because of its new hair color. Although all the central heroes of the Marvel Movie Universe undergo their own changes from time to time (Tony Stark's Mark III armor in the first Iron Man is far from his Mark L armor Avengers: Infinity War and even Steve Rogers has given his Captain America appearance a major overhaul over the years), with Black Widow being the most apparent. It turns out that the first conceptions of his character in the film were very different.

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In Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War – The Art of the Movie, Marvel Studios Visual Development Director Andy Park presented an overview of Black Widow's physical transformation into Avengers: War of Infinity. He explains how he created Nat's look in the film, sharing that the original design did not include platinum blonde hair color. It was only later in the creative process that he discovered his new hairstyle, which he explained "conceptually totally logical because it is hiding." Regarding the general aspect, he said:

"The idea is that she's on the run, so she does not have the time or the opportunity to create a brand new costume, but she can add another one, so I've tried various options, ranging from giving her from a tactical vest to a scarf to some extra armored pieces, and I also gave him batons attached to a slim, slender backpack to give his figure an extra shine. "

The filmmakers Joe and Anthony Russo have already explained why Black Widow had to undergo a radical physical change, supporting Park's comments in the art book. Black Widow, Captain America and Falcon are on the run because they refused to adhere to the Sokovia agreements and operated underground as rogue heroes while the US government pursued them. And, as Natasha is no stranger to the discretion of things, knowing that she is a former spy, she understands that changing her appearance is one of the most effective (and easiest) ways to stay incognito.

Black Widow's hair was the main starting point for Park's initial design. That said, there are smaller details that were not used in the film, including his headscarf (something that was also included in Captain America's early artistic concepts) and a hooded vest, which would have also brought a nice touch to his ensemble. Otherwise, his costume, in general, is more or less the same as his outfit in Captain America: Civil War.

As revealed by pictures leaked from the set Avengers 4 during the rehearsals, Black Widow will eventually find her red hair emblematic as she joins his teammates Avenger Group to address the consequences of the fall of Thanos Avengers: Infinity War. However, unlike the other main heroes of the MCU, who may not get out Avengers 4 In life, fans will still be able to see her on the big screen after shooting her next year's solo film with her long-awaited stand-alone film.

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Source: Marvel Avengers: Infinity War – The Art of Film

Key release dates

  • Captain Marvel (2019) release date: March 08, 2019
  • The Avengers 4 / Untitled Avengers Movie (2019) release date: May 03, 2019
  • Spider-Man: Away from Home (2019) release date: Jul 05, 2019

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