Blackpool police hunt suspect who "looks like Ross from Friends" | News from the United Kingdom


Police have been inundated with comments from social media users after making a call to an alleged thief, who looks like Friends star David Schwimmer.

The Blackpool police posted on Facebook a picture of a suspect showing it as he was leaving a restaurant carrying what looked like a crate of cans.

Facebook users quickly found themselves in the comments section to report that the suspect looked like Schwimmer's character Ross Geller in the American sitcom. Many have posted references to well-known Geller lines of the series.

One of them wrote, "Should not he be at work … or is he on a break?" Another one posted: "I bet he was shouting" PIVOT "while he was taking these beers. "

Others took up the theme of the show and a user wrote: "Nobody told him that life would be like that. His job is a joke, he's broke. DOA love life. It's like he's still stuck in second gear. And when it's not his day, his week, his month or even his year, well, HE WILL FLY TO YOOOOUUUUUUU. "

Another, referring to an episode of Friends in which Ross claims to be an expert in self-defense, wrote: "Please, approach cautiously. He is known to have studied karate and we believe that he has mastered the art of Unagi, the state of total consciousness. "

After many responses, the Lancashire police responded, "Thank you all for your prompt responses. We thoroughly studied the issue and confirmed that David Schwimmer was in America on that date.

"We're really sorry this is it."

Anyone with information about the alleged crime can send an email to [email protected]

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