Blackpool rocked by FOUR earthquakes in a few days – experts fear more


BLACKPOOL has been shaken by four earthquakes in the space of a few days – experts fearing that others are about to arrive.

The British Geological Survey (BGS) recorded the earthquakes yesterday near the fracturing site of the energy firm Cuadrilla, just outside Blackpool.

Fracturing was halted in the same area six years ago as a result of two earthquakes, one having recorded a magnitude of 2.3 on the Richter scale.

Cuadrilla resumed drilling on Monday, after the militants lost a challenge in the High Court.

But the protesters believe that the series of earthquakes in the days following the restart of the works proves their relevance.

Ash Hewitson, of the anti-fracturing campaign group, Reclaim the Power, said, "In addition to facing growing local, national and political opposition, these recent earthquakes prove what we have always known: fracturing is too risky.

"As operations on the site continue, impacts on seismic activity will only increase."

The Frack Free Lancashire campaign group said, "We will continue to monitor these events closely.

"Given the relevant history of the Fylde Coast geology and two major seismic events that are putting an end to the fracking industry, all eyes are on Cuadrilla.

FRACKING: The main events took place outside the Cuadrialla site at the beginning of the drilling (Pic: PA)

"These events can be considered minor and can not be felt, but what happens under the Earth is beyond the control of anyone."

The tremor was 0.3, at which point GSO said that fracking could continue with caution, but that earthquakes with a force greater than 0.5 forced operations to stop.

The BGS said, "Since the beginning of the hydraulic fracturing operations on New Road Preston near Blackpool, we have detected some small earthquakes near the area of ​​operations.

"This is not surprising since hydraulic fracturing is usually accompanied by micro-seismicity.

The oil and gas authorities (OGA) have strict controls in place to ensure that operators manage the risk of induced seismicity.

"All the earthquakes detected so far on Preston New Road are below the threshold required to stop hydraulic fracturing."

Dozens of activists demonstrated in front of the site where shale gas tests are underway.

Three environmental activists – Simon Blevins, 26, Richard Roberts, 36 and Rich Loizou, 31 – who were the first people imprisoned in the United Kingdom for an anti-fracking protest in the United Kingdom were among the protesters on the site. Lancashire after their release. .

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