Blake Lively's 2018 Thanksgiving Instagram is so real that it hurts


Even if I consider myself a Tibby, I watch Bridget run on the beach for the soccer camp. The sorority of the travel pants That's when I discovered my sexuality. Of Gossip Girl at The Green lantern, Blake Lively is amazing in all his roles. (Even though Bridget will always be my favorite.) She's funny, she's smart, and she wears incredible costumes. Never impressive, it's no wonder that Instagram Thanksgiving 2018 by Blake Lively is Literally all of us.

Under the caption "Thanksgiving: Expectation vs. Reality …", Blake has published two photos of herself: the premiere of her Gala lewk Met 2018, sitting at what looks like the feast of Pan's Labyrinth with a friend and filmmaker Reed Moranoand the second seated at the back of a car stuck next to a child's car seat, eating what appears to be a ton of Shake Shack, in the middle of the day. What can I say? Atmosphere? Shoot me? Alas, I have nothing to say, because Blake has said it all.

The actress shows her sense of humor on her Instagram quite often, calling her husband, Ryan Reynolds, "the sexiest living voter of 2018" in their selfie # absenteballote for the mid-term elections of 2018. All we know, Blake and Ryan actually spend their turkey day at a Renaissance feast, with its scattered jewels, many dried meats and overripe fruits, as well as a harpist. But I like the image of them eating hamburgers in their jeans and talking about celebrities using their platform to encourage people to vote a lot better.

Blake the real guard, like, really real. She literally wears incredible costumes and perfectly masters amiable and hysterical self depreciation. She keeps silent about her two daughters, James and Inez, but I imagine them all in costume, eating mashed and stuffed potatoes, perhaps near a waterfall or a pretty, tropical spot.

Being able to stay real (and really funny) on IG is really a gift. Celebrities (and honestly most women and women) face daily societal pressure that requires them to always look good and be "together". Blake, who spends a laid-back casual day in a moving car with a bite of French fries, reminds us that we do not have to be perfect all the time, nor that we need to be pressured to make our Instagram and our lives perfect. .

The holidays are stressful. You want the food to be good, the table looks like an Anthropology catalog, that your outfit is appropriate but still fun and that you want to have at least a usable shot for Instagram. Decompose what is expected of women, mothers and everyone On vacation and showing the reality of takeout bins crammed next to a car seat, Blake Lively's Thanksgiving instance was both relatable and inspiring. So hat and fries at Blake, her fashion team, her awesome girls we know badly, and all the hardworking ladies who are eating Shake Shack and kicking in real life – on Thanksgiving , and every day.

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