Blake Lively's See-Through Shirt provoked a hilarious mix on a red carpet


Walking the Red carpet can be hectic even for a seasoned veterinarian like Blake Lively. The star is stopped by The Tonight Show Thursday, September 13 to promote his new thriller, A simple favor, and shared an anecdote about a major communication problem between the NSFW and a man at the film's premiere.

To understand the story, however, you must first know what Lively has been wearing on the red carpet of the movie: a suit with a black shirt that actually becomes transparent when exposed to light. "It's actually a men's suit, believe it or not," she told presenter Jimmy Fallon about her black outfit. "It's true, but what no one really realizes is: to see the horror on my face as if I had a face of J.Lo, but I also [terror face]? It's because I did not know that the shirt was transparent, because it's a men's shirt, I did not realize it was transparent. [men’s shirts]. "

Celebrity News in New York - September 10, 2018

PHOTO: Getty Images

So when a man on the carpet shouted, "Your tweets are amazing! "I thought, are we saying that?" Have you been on Google in the past year? This is not OK! "Lively said.

It's only after this man has followed "And your husband's tweets are even better! "Oh, tweets! Twitter! My tweets are incredible! "said Lively.

Watch Lively discuss her red carpet mix below.

Lively and Reynolds have developed a hilarious online presence, particularly with regard to Instagram. Their trolling moments are legendary. In 2015, for example, Lively posted a photo of Reynolds and Helen Mirren on the red carpet with a caption saying, "Do I have to worry that my husband never looked at me that way?

To see a complete overview of their moments on social networks, click on right here.

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Blake Lively & # 39; s A simple favor First manicure had a hidden message

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