Blog Linked From Addison Russell Ex-Wife's Instagram claims that physical and emotional abuse


Photo: Dilip Vishwanat (Getty)

An Instagram account owned by Melisa Reidy-Russell, ex-wife of the Chicago Cubs shortstop, Addison Russell, added a link to her biography Thursday night. The link leads to a blog post describing years of physical and emotional abuse by an unidentified ex-spouse.

The author was 20 when she met his wife, said the message, and he was his first real boyfriend. At first, he treated her "like a queen," but eventually adopted a pattern of emotional and verbal abuse, which "began to be an everyday affair," according to the article. There was insult, physical intimidation, manipulation and "threatening to send me and my son home, as if I had the privilege of living with us," she wrote. She felt like I was nothing.

I could not understand how the man I was so in love with, the father of my child, the man that I married a few months ago could show such aggression towards me … I just could not wrap one up. As much as I tried to pretend that this had never happened, I realized I did not get angry anyway, fearing it would happen again. I saw a darkness in him that I have never seen or experienced at home or at anyone else. Slowly but surely, I realized that the man I had loved so much was more and more alien to me every day.

In June 2017, the same Instagram account that published the blog yesterday released – and later deleted – a photo with a caption saying that the author had been "cheated, lied and disrespected". identified as a close friend added a comment saying that Addison Russell had physically and emotionally abused Melisa.

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MLB to investigate charges of domestic violence against Addison Russell

While the Cubs were playing Marlins last night, Addison Russell's wife, Melisa, …

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Later in the month, Melisa Reidy-Russell filed for divorce after a year and a half of marriage. His lawyer said USA today that she would not cooperate with the MLB investigators by saying, "Melisa is not interested in legitimizing something that does not come from her. In the end, MLB has a reason to want to talk to her, but she does not think it would be beneficial for her or her son. "(The court documents also do not mention the allegations of abuse.) The divorce was finalized on August 30 of the same year, according to the Escambia County Court Records.

Yesterday's blog post describes a pattern of excuses from her husband who repeats the same behavior.

After calming down from his angry spells, I always received the most sincere apologies, making me think how sorry he was and he was trying to improve. One of his favorite excuses was that he was "young" and that he was still learning to live properly, that he had grown up, that he did not have caring parents like me, and that he did not did not know how to love like me. But in one way or another, he could ALWAYS find a way to make me feel as if it had happened because of me or because I was not listening to him. It was ALWAYS my fault – You do not realize it, but it's a sick mind game in which you are sucked – All your source of happiness is somehow controlled by that person, in depending on how she decides to treat you daily. Feeling the need to assert from it became the main source of how I felt happiness. Always trying to make him happy to show him that I was pretty good, strong enough, pretty worthy … it was consuming me and before I realized it, I was so far away from the person that j & # 39; was.

The author writes that her husband has cheated on her and that she has tried to change herself, hoping that it would make him less complaining.

Soon, depression began to manifest and I completely lost the meaning of life. All I thought was: what can I do to change myself if I am the problem? What's wrong with me? I had always been everything he wanted, what has changed? I knew I was doing everything I needed to do at home, I was a good mother, a faithful and loyal woman … I did not know what else he was looking for. I was unhappy. I prayed a LOT of our wedding and for him, I tried to seek advice from my family. Marriage is difficult and I have just assumed that it was normal for an athlete as his age passed. I have therefore done my best to get through this difficult time in the hope that our marriage will improve.

When her friends and relatives tried to help her, the blog says, she moved away. She grew up isolated while her husband became more distant. He "betrayed me once again" in April 2017, she writes, which eventually pushed her to leave.

If MLB had investigated the previous allegations that Russell mistreated his wife, no resolution was publicly announced.

You can read the entire article by clicking here.

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