Blood Moon 2018: The Dark Side Hides This Secret In The Middle Of A Lunar Eclipse


The space giant will treat the world – from South America to Australia – to the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century while it moves into the world. 39, shadow of the Earth.

The British will watch the show for nearly two hours The eclipse also becomes visible from Europe, the Middle East, Africa and most of Asia.

The rising full moon will change from bright silver to a deep red blood as sunlight bends into the earth 's atmosphere. our natural satellite

But what we will not see – and will never see because it is always in front of us – is the "dark side".

Surrounded by a total mystery – and the name of a Pink Floyd album – the far side has only ever been seen by the eyes of a satellite.

But truth seekers believe that they have finally unlocked the big secret – gigantic underground cities sheltering extraterrestrials.

  Blood red moon and dark side of the moon


DARK SIDE: Millions will see the moon turn red, but will not see the distant mysterious side [19659010] Caves on the dark side of the moon: the house of FOREIGNERS

[19659012] The moon has a network of huge caverns across its surface, which is believed to be lava tubes. NASA has said that these could shelter the first lunar base, but could they harbor aliens?


  The & quot; skylights & quot; lava tubes reveal huge caves hundreds of meters wide. & # 39; to lava tubes reveal huge caves, hundreds of meters wide

The & quot; skylights & quot; lava tubes reveal huge caverns of several hundred meters


OUT OF VIEW: The Dark Side & # 39; was photographed for the first time – by the Russians – in 1959

One of the conspiracy theorists is Jesse, a UFO enthusiast who believes he has proof that the dark side hides a supermassive network of tunnels and caves .

In these "underground cities", he believes, were once – or always He says that "evidence" can be seen in amazing images of a lost lunar spacecraft that was recently orbiting around the moon after disappearing nine years ago.

The images, from Chandrayaan-1, appear to show a network of lava tubes snaking under the surface of the satellite, with thousands of caves scattered everywhere.

It was created by streams of magma that dried up, but Jesse – who runs the YouTube UFO News channel – believes that they have gone home an entire civilization. [19659002"ThePresenceofHugeCavernessovertheUgreesThatAnExtraterrestrialCivilizationCouldLiveNextOnceWeHadThoughtedBefore"said"enthusiasticextraterrestrictDailyStarOnline


This is the ominous image of the dark side of the missing probe moon.


PROOF? Jesse says the evidence is in images like tunnels and craters

"We find it fascinating that there is a vast network of caves and tunnels, some of which are large enough to house entire cities. , covers the surface of the moon.

"Why have these caves slipped under the radar of the public interest for so long? Is it possible that NASA privately discourages the exploration of these structures in order to suppress the Public Interest

"NASA admitted that these caves could be used as potential sites for a human colony on the moon. This leads us to wonder if they have ever been able to study them without public knowledge? "

It is a known fact that craters cover the moon, and were created by meteorites that pitted its surface.

But conspiracy theorists like Jesse think aliens are hiding in the shadows of the craters and in the tunnels that connect to them

"Before the invention of the satellites, the dark side of the moon would have been an ideal place to live an extraterrestrial civilization.


ALIEN CITIES: Alien life is said to be hidden in underground tunnels

"As our technology evolves, such a civilization would probably be forced to use new tactics to stay hidden. "

The tunnels would make the perfect place for a foreign civilization to take refuge from the indiscreet eyes of humanity. "

The" far side of the moon "that Jesse believes is inhabited by alien life has long been dubbed the" dark side "that's because it can never be seen from our planet because it rotates at the same rate as the Earth, which means it's hidden from our view.

It was photographed on the satellite for the first time.Jesse told us: "Many of these Massive caves reside on the dark side of the moon, sheltered from ground telescopes. "

" Buried deep in the ground, the caves provide protection from the sun and the harsh realities of the sun. ;space.

"In our recent video on UFO News, we have included images of what appear to be the surface markings of these tunnels crisscrossing the surface." These well-established images are further proof that a super interconnected highway of lava tubes used as a highway system to allow an extraterrestrial civilization to move on the moon without being detected.

"Until NASA is ready to directly investigate these objects with the help of high-definition cameras, we will consider their silence as a sign of recognition that the extraterrestrials are indeed on the moon. "

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