Blood transfusions of young people will stop the disease in the elderly


UCL scientists have shown data showing that mice given young blood do not develop age-related diseases at the end of life. The London College geneticist is certain that these experiences are real and that leading Phycis confirm that they promise initiatives in modern medicine.

Like Lady Linda Partridge, a geneticist, published an analysis in the journal Nature and confirmed that blood transfusion in young people could prolong the lives of human beings and live without diseases. Diseases like cancer, dementia and heart disease have reached the end of their lives.

Older mice receiving young blood did not develop age-related diseases and maintained a strong cognitive function, while younger ones receiving older blood saw the effect. reverse. Professor Partridge and co-authors Joris Deelen and P. Eline Slagboom add:[B]Lood is the most accessible fabric and therefore the most studied, but it is much less used in animal studies.

"It will be important to develop blood-based risk biomarkers, aging characteristics, and responses to candidate animal interventions." The researchers noted improvements in biomarkers for a variety of major diseases, also known for certain conditions.

This included a 10% reduction in blood cholesterol, which high levels are known to cause heart disease. Scientists have also observed a 20% reduction in proteins called carcinoembryonic antigens.

These can be seen in large numbers in people with various forms of cancer, says the website, but it remains to be seen if. The younger blood has also helped halve amyloid protein levels, which form toxic clumps in the brains of patients with dementia.

In particular, a 55-year-old patient with early-onset Alzheimer's disease began to show an improvement in his condition after a single transfusion. Another woman, slightly older, with a more severe Alzheimer's pathology shows similar improvements, reported the start-up.

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