Bloomberg: Rosenstein wants the investigation of a special lawyer to be completed soon


President Donald Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said in May that Mueller's office was aiming to complete his investigation by September. Some elements of the large-scale investigation seem to be coming to an end, while the accused who pleaded guilty are passing the sentence. Mueller's office, however, made no public statement that the investigation was in its final stages, despite Trump's repeated calls to conclude it as soon as possible.
Last week, CNN announced that Trump's legal team was preparing to answer the written questions provided by Mueller, according to sources close to the case.

Rosenstein oversees the investigation, while Attorney General Jeff Sessions has challenged any investigation into the Trump presidential campaign – a decision that has prompted strong criticism from the president.

Mueller's office and Trump's legal team have been discussing for months that the president be interviewed by the special advocate.

CNN reported that the questions focused on issues related to the investigation of a possible collusion between Trump's associates and Russians seeking to meddle in the 2016 election, sources said. According to sources, Trump's lawyers prepare written answers, relying in part on documents previously provided to the special advocate.
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