Blu-Ray spelling error in the war of infinity spotted by Marvel fans


The heroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe may have a lot of super powers among them, but it seems that replay is not one of them. Marvel fans have spotted a misspelling on the cover of the Blu-Ray version of Avengers: Infinity War.

On the Reddit Marvel Studios submarine, the user "-KD6-3-7" shared a photo of the Blu-Ray case with War of infinity featuring a simple misspelling in one of the featured magazine's citations. You can check it in the photo below to see if you can spot the error yourself.

Does anyone else have this spelling error in the revision quote on his Infinity War Blu-ray sleeve / case? of r / marvelstudios

The error lies in the quote in the upper right-hand corner of the case, as well as on the case's sleeve, with "while" used instead of "through" in Empire's film review. Although it's interesting that the typo appears twice, the comments on the post also revealed that this is not the only quote used for the film's release cases. Some users have noted that their copy of War of infinity did not get the quote from the Empire, with some reporting an "epic event" or "spectacular" quote on their copy.

Although tracking the error was disappointing for some fans, it's fortunately not an error that has impacted the film itself, nor will it be the same for fans. The home version of Infinity War, if any, may be more enjoyable for fans of the film because it includes a number of special features, including deleted scenes that have not been shown in the movies.

"There is a Guardians scene on the DVD that was very difficult to cut because it's very entertaining – but we did not need it for much of the film at that time "said Anthony Russo at Cinema Blend scene to cut

The scene shows how the Guardians left Knowhere for Titan following the abduction of Gamora by Thanos. This is a scene that the Russo brothers discussed earlier this year as being designed to appeal to the public.

"I think there's a very curious Guardian scene that did not make the cut," shared Joe with Entertainment Weekly. "Everything else was just kind of a little bit here and there … [The Guardians scene is] just more of a comic scene

"It's a scene where they're sort of stuck," added Anthony. "There is a point in the film where they are stuck without knowing what to do, and it was just that nonsensical scene of the Guardians who did not know where to go in. And it was really fun, and it was not that bad. was very endearing to us, but because the film is so big and so propitious, it did not really push us where we needed to go. "

Avengers: Infinity War is now available on digital platforms, DVD and Blu-ray. Ant-Man and the wasp is in the rooms now. Other upcoming movies from the Marvel film universe include Captain Marvel March 8, 2019; the fourth The Avengers film on May 3, 2019; and Spider-Man: far from home July 5, 2019.

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