Blue Bloods Season 9 Episode 5 Review: Thicker Than Water


The Reagan family has made me want to hug them with Blue Bloods Season 9 Episode 5 because you can find quality people on TV who are trying to do what's right, even if they do not. not always perfectly.

Start with Eddie.

Shawn put it in a difficult situation. She just got engaged with her uncle, she's a cop and she really wants to help. But most of all, Eddie wants to integrate with the Reagans.

Eddie intervenes in a family affair - Blue Bloods

There is a dividing line between realizing that teens are going to screw up and give them advice or ignore problems like drinking alcohol in minors and allow them to become serious.

Eddie hoped to win Shawn's trust and give him a second chance.

Being a Reagan means staying at a higher level and not just because blunders embarrass the rest of the family, but because it's the right thing to do. I'm not even a Reagan yet and I know it.


Unfortunately, it is Shawn who threw her under the bus when her father was later called to school.

Eddie was in a dead end, but I'm glad she talked about Shawn to Jamie. This shows the trust that exists between these two and could have allowed Jamie to tell Danny what had happened if he deemed it necessary.

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Danny had every reason to be upset. No parent appreciates that family members keep secrets about their children, but he finally listened to what Jamie was trying to tell him.

Jamie: Shawn is trying to be a problem so that Jack decides to stay and keep his little brother in line.
Danny: And you know how, Mr. Freud?
Jamie: Because I did the same thing when you left for the Marines.
Danny: What happened? Do you get a B-minus on your test?
Jamie: A-less. It was a dark period.

Make sure Shawn was there to help move Jack, allowing him to see the campus and make sure that he would be allowed to visit some weekends was important.

Shawn has already lost his mother and feeling like he was losing his brother, even though he was at the university, will be a difficult transition, but they can all cope with efforts.

The hugs and jokes between Danny, Eddie and Jamie at the end were heart-warming. Eddie already feels like part of the Reagan family.

Hugs All Around - Blue Bloods Season 9 Episode 5

Elsewhere, Erin mentioned this quote from Blue Bloods when Anthony felt too embarrassed to act alone.

Erin: Anthony, you are a victim of a crime. Now, what do you say to the victims in this building?
Anthony: There is no reason to be ashamed because you did not do anything wrong.
Erin: Okay. Now, do you believe that?
Anthony: Of course, yes.
Erin: So act like that.

Anthony has learned how difficult it is to feel like a victim and how easy it is to blame yourself for becoming one. I was proud of Erin for fixing it.

But I have to take a moment to mention Anthony's apartment.

Where in the hell was it supposed to be in the tri-state area? There were huge floor-to-ceiling windows, great views and if the "P2" on the elevator door that led directly into the apartment was an indication, it looked like an apartment -terrace.

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I am certain that Anthony is making quite a bit of money from his years of experience, but an upscale location near New York would cost a fortune!

Okay, let's go back to Anthony's story.

Fight for a friend - Blue Bloods Season 9 Episode 5

I loved that Erin did not let this investigation unfold. First of all, I'm not sure that she can consider that there is more than $ 8,000 charge on a credit card issued by a department!

Erin was not about to let a clatter betray her close friend and get away with it.

Anthony: Did not I say to give up?
Erin: Yeah, it's a beauty to be the boss, it's up to me to decide.

That Erin and Anthony stopped Maude together was perfect. The fact that Erin continued to give him information on the use of handcuffs was invaluable.

I found the stories of Danny and Frank more than a little sad.

By the time we learned that Dr. McCandless was a famous and beloved fertility doctor, I knew exactly where this plot was going.

What surprised me was that Noelle decided to tell his father that he was not his biological father.

I imagine that this would have finally been made public once what McCandless had done was made public, but how can you tell the man who raised you that the doctor that he thought was did the hero actually use his own sperm instead of yours?

Hopefully they've reached an agreement with Roy on the attempted murder charges because I'm sure former patients will line up around the block who will want to kill McCandless.

Frank is trying to help - Blue Bloods Season 9, Episode 2

We finally arrive at the inspector and officer Merino.

Jay has been a policeman for four years, not because he wants to, but because his family expected him and that he is willing to sacrifice the rest of his life to work for the same reason.

I loved Garrett's take on it. Many people consider being a cop as a call. It's such a tough job that you really need to be attracted to succeed, but also to overcome physical and emotional difficulties.

What happens when your heart is just not there?

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For his part, Jay had a solid record with public praise, so he had to do something good.

I do not know what the answer is, but I thought this plot was wrapped up far too quickly and cleanly. Frank has found the perfect job for Jay, who would appease his father and allow him to resign from the NYPD. As it is practical.

I would have liked Jay to finally understand his feelings about the job and communicate it to his family. It would have been a lot more fun, dramatic and realistic.

Of course, Jay's story is at the root of Frank's wonderful speech in front of Jack at the Reagan family dinner, so it was not so bad …

Frank: In a few days, you will leave this place and start with yourself. Make the world your own. Take what is useful to you in your time with us, your years around this table, but do not think that you should become us.
Henry: But if you do it …
Frank: It's you. If you do not do it, you do not do it. It's your life, not ours. And I like to think that your father, your aunt, and your uncle do what they do because they've been attracted to that, not because they've been pushed.

So, what do you think, television fanatics, did Eddie act with Shawn or should he have gone straight to Danny?

And did the story of John and Jay seem true to you?

Come back for my review of Blue Bloods Season 9 Episode 6 and until then you will enjoy the Reagan family and watch Blue Bloods online here at TV Fanatic.

C. Orlando is a fanatical TV writer. To follow her Twitter.

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