Bob Woodward wrote a book for "three extra shekels"


President Trump's son, Eric, Wednesday accused Bob Woodward of writing a sensational book for "three extra shekels" – prompting the Watergate reporter to say "talk like this … it makes us back".

In an interview on "Fox & Friends," Eric Trump accused Woodward of having written "Fear: Trump in the White House" as a greedy puncture of funds.

"Do not you think people are looking through the fact that you can write a sensational book, nonsense, CNN will definitely get you involved because they like to destroy the president," said Eric Trump. "That means you sell three extra pounds, you make three extra shekels."

The shekel is an ancient currency still used in modern Israel – and some have said that its use of the term "shekels" to describe an act of greed was anti-Semitic.

"Eric Trump said this morning that Bob Woodward had made" three extra shekels at the request of the American people "with his book – is Eric too stupid to know he is anti-Semitic? tweeted conservative pundit Bill Kristol, a frequent critic of President Trump.

Woodward later called the comments of Eric Trump unhappy.

"I just hope nobody would talk like that, frankly," Woodward told CNN's Anderson Cooper. "It brings us back."

The youngest Trump refused to discuss the issue with the Washington Post.

"Oh, stop, it's nonsense," said Eric Trump, whose sister Ivanka converted to Judaism after marrying Jared Kushner.

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