Body-positive motion causes people to think that they are not obese, according to a study


The positive movement for the body has sparked the advent of self-esteem and improved body satisfaction in women and men of all sizes, but new research suggests that what nourishes the soul can endanger the body.

A greater acceptance of height could prevent overweight adults from recognizing the extent of their weight gain and promoting unhealthy habits, according to a study published Friday in the journal Obesity.

The researchers interviewed more than 23,000 obese or overweight British adults and measured their perception of their weight relative to their actual weight. Men were more likely to underestimate their weight – almost 60% – compared to 30% of women.

The fight against larger stigma did not stop the decline in physical health: people who misunderstood how much they weighed were 85% less likely to try to lose weight than those who recognized their weight.

People with a low level of education and income, two main determinants of health, were more likely to underestimate their weight and less likely to lose weight as a result. Minority groups were also more likely to underestimate their size.

These inequalities reflect socio-economic indicators of obesity, writes lead author Raya Muttarak. Working conditions, health literacy and adequate access to health care are all linked to health outcomes, and unequal access reinforces health disparities among these demographic groups.

GettyImages-518491022 This combination photo shows overweight and obese people in July 2003 in Los Angeles, May 2013 in Mexico City and October 2006 in Manchester, England. Researchers blame the body's positive movement for normalizing unhealthy behaviors that promote obesity. (Photos by Robyn Beck, Ronald Schemidt, Paul Ellis / AFP / Getty Images)

Although body image is traditionally considered and studied as a gender issue, men and women are plagued by body image problems: studies reveal that 84% of American women and 43% of men are unhappy with their bodies. eating disorders, depression and low self-esteem. The average American woman wears a size 16, but the models in almost all clothing campaigns range from a double zero to zero.

It has been proven that the body positivity movement significantly improves women's self-image: while women see an increased representation in medium-sized and older models, they feel a deeper satisfaction with their own body and stop comparing themselves to thin women.

Mental and physical health is growing in opposite directions, however: the Centers for Disease Control reported that over 70% of US adults are overweight or obese, despite being the 18th most obese country in the world.

Critics of the body's positive movement have torn apart the "unrealistic expectations" that it creates, as the weight of idea and health are not correlated. At worst, it has been called an "excuse" for overweight people to stay complacent about the extra pounds. The "bad" type of positivity of the body prevents followers from recognizing the health consequences of being overweight, writes Kelly deVos in the New York Times.

"Many people in the positivity movement of the body – which I would like to consider myself as a member – believe that the desire to lose weight is never legitimate, because it is an expression of the psychological weight of shame".

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