Boeing Wins $ 9.2 Billion to Build Next Air Force Training Aircraft


Lockheed Martin was also in the running for the lucrative contract. It has been described as one of the largest aircrafts competitions.

Lockheed Martin has partnered with Korea Aerospace Industries, or KAI, to offer the T-50A jet to the US Air Force's coaching competition. The aircraft is a version of the KAI T-50, used in South Korea and several other US partner countries. In June, revelations were made by the South Korean aviation firm about President Donald Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen.

KAI paid $ 150,000 to Cohen's company, Essential Consultants, for "legal advice regarding accounting standards for production costs," a KAI representative told Reuters. Cohen's work with KAI lasted less than six months and ended in November.

KAI has not responded to several requests for comments from CNBC.

When asked whether KAI's dealings with Cohen or a corruption investigation involving the management of the Korean firm would have an impact on the selection of the US Air Force, the lieutenant- General Arnold Bunch said in June that the service

"We are working on all legal aspects and we are allowing them to do all this work, we will simply let this process play through the selection of sources," said Bunch, the army's procurement director. ;air.

Lockheed Martin, the Pentagon's top arms supplier, told CNBC that nothing had changed with their bid for the Air Force Training Award.

"We had no knowledge of a commercial relationship between Korea Aerospace Industries and Mr. Cohen, and we have no connection with the US Air Force's advanced flying competition," Lockheed said in a statement. previous release.

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