Boeing wins first tranche of $ 2.4 billion contract with US helicopter


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – US Air Force awarded Boeing CoPROHIBIT) a $ 376-million contract to build four helicopters as the first step in a $ 2.38-billion deal to replace the 46-year-old UH-1N Huey helicopter fleet.

PHOTO FILE: The Boeing logo is showcased at the fair of the exhibition and exhibition on business aviation in Latin America (LABACE) at the airport from Congonhas to Sao Paulo, Brazil, August 14, 2018. REUTERS / Paulo Whitaker

The Air Force announced that it would eventually order the delivery of 84 helicopters between 2020 and 2032.

The air force will use helicopters to protect the US nuclear arsenal, with planes based in Wyoming, Montana and North Dakota, among others around the world.

Boeing said its MH-139 helicopter was based on the Italian aircraft manufacturer Leonardo SpA (LDOF.MI) AW139, used by more than 270 governments, military and companies around the world.

The helicopters will be built in two facilities outside of Philadelphia.

"Strong competition has lowered program costs, saving the taxpayer $ 1.7 billion," said Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson.

Report by Chris Sanders; Editing by James Dalgleish and Sandra Maler

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