'Bohemian Rhapsody' appreciates the opening of the ruling class


LOS ANGELES – The biopic of Queen "Bohemian Rhapsody" was the box office champion this weekend. Its opening has been estimated at $ 50 million in the United States and Canada, while other novelties are making a splash.

Walt Disney

fantasy "The Nutcracker and the Four Kingdoms" was presented for the first time at a paltry $ 20 million, a rare box-office bomb for the studio, which this year released "Black Panther" and "Black Panther" blockbusters. The Incredibles 2 ".

The other new weekend release, "Nobody's Fool," is a comedy starring Tiffany Haddish of


Paramount Pictures, opened with a low $ 14 million.

The success of "Bohemian Rhapsody", however, contributes to a record season for both studios and exhibitors. A hit movie, one after the other – "Venom", "A star is born", "Halloween" – increased returns during a typically quiet period of time. year at the box office.

Before its release this weekend, "Bohemian Rhapsody" was seen in Hollywood as a troubled production since its original director, Bryan Singer, was fired during filming. While deserving acclaim for the performance of lead actor Rami Malek as the lead role of Queen Freddie Mercury, the film has generally received bad reviews and critics in some quarters about how it deals with the world. Mercury homosexuality and the death of AIDS.

The opening weekend, however, attracted a multigenerational audience, not just of those who have the age to remember Queen's Live Aid performance in 1985 that the film staged. Freddie Mercury is eligible, said Chris Aronson, president of the domestic cast of Twentieth Century Fox, who launched the film.

"We have a superhero movie here," said Aronson. (

21st Century Fox

who owns the studio, and

News Corp

parent of the Wall Street Journal, shares the common property.)

Returns abroad added $ 72.5 million to the opening. "Bohemian Rhapsody" cost about $ 52 million to produce.

Disney's nutcracker needed a much larger opening to justify a budget of about $ 125 million. Critics have been harsh on the film, based on the classic ballet and stars Keira Knightley and Misty Copeland.

While producing franchise successes, Disney has sometimes had trouble attracting audiences for movies that are not based on comics or Marvel animation classics. His "ride in time" earlier this year had mediocre results.

Gross revenue from "nutcrackers" abroad totaled $ 38.5 million.

Among all the novelties, the public preferred "Bohemian Rhapsody". According to market research firm CinemaScore, it received an "A" rating, while "Nobody's Fool" was awarded "A-" and "The Nutcracker", a "B +" rating.

Write to Erich Schwartzel at [email protected]

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