Boise Mass Stab: Girl Killed, 3, "Loved Pink and Disney Princesses"


BOISE, Idaho – The three-year-old Idaho girl who died from her wounds two days after a stab at her Saturday birthday party was identified as an Ethiopian refugee "who loved pink princesses and Disney. "KBOI-TV, a subsidiary of CBS Boise, reports that Ruya Kadir is the victim who lost her battle to survive.

The station quotes The International Rescue Committee, an organization supporting families involved in looting.

Hillbrand said in a statement, "Our children describe Ruya as a child who always glittered when she entered a room: she was her mother's princess, always the center of attention, and she loved the princesses roses and Disney. Saturday, and according to our IRC colleagues in Boise, was the quintessence of gentleness.

"Ruya and her mother are Ethiopian refugees, arrived in the United States in December 2015 and settled in Boise, her father is in Turkey, Ruya's parents endure the worst nightmare of all parents, which is doubly cruel for the fact that they fled to America to escape the conflict in Ethiopia.ICC had resettled the Kadir family in Boise.Our local team is doing its best to support the family – and the others injured refugees Saturday – in this moment of extreme distress and fear. "

Authorities say that one man invaded the party and attacked nine people with a knife. 19659002] Timmy Kinner is accused of stabbing a group of children and adults who tried to protect them at a party in a complex of apartments housing many refugee families [19659006]. where Judge Russell Comstock of Ada County told him that he was charged with first degree murder and other crimes in connection with the attack.

Comstock told Kinner that he was "an extreme danger to the community" and ordered him to remain unrelated.

Kinner is an American and the victims are members of refugee families from Syria, Iraq, and Ethiopia. Boise Police Chief William Bones said the evidence does not suggest that the attack was a hate crime. Bones said the suspect had recently stayed in the apartment complex but that he had been asked to leave Friday due to misbehavior. Aged 6, 8 and 12

If convicted, Kinner could be executed under Idaho law.

Monday evening about 1,500 people There was a vigil in the honor of members of refugee families targeted by stabbings.

People were crying, singing and shouting their support for the refugee community, and many were bringing bouquets of white flowers to symbolize peace. At the end of the rally, hundreds of bouquets filled dozens of baskets on the steps of Boise City Hall.

But community leaders told the crowd that the survivors really needed money to quickly cover their medical bills. try to overcome the constant feeling of unease that they have experienced since the attack. Mayor Boise, Dave Bieter, and others urged community members to do what they can to help.

Signs were discovered in the crowd, some reading "Love wins" and "We are all immigrants."

Younis Kamel 12 years old who moved to Boise of Iraq , and his 23-year-old sister, Zuzu Kamel, waved a more moving sign:

"I will never forget to see my friend being stabbed in front of me". Younis Kamel was at the apartment complex the night of the attack

Another woman was holding a sign on which was written "Justice for Teeba", with a picture of a young child in a bed from the hospital, a breathing tube masking part of his face. a dozen other tubes and medical devices connected to his body.

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