Bolton says that the elimination of Iran from Syria outweighs Assad


WASHINGTON – National Security Advisor

John Bolton

the Syrian president

Bashar al-Assad

hold power was not a strategic issue for the United States and this president

Donald Trump

hope to get help from Russia to expel Iranian forces from the country.

Middle East experts, allies and some US lawmakers have long argued that there was little hope of stability in Syria as long as Mr. Assad would be in command

However, Bolton, who appeared on Sunday at CBS, said Assad's efforts to defeat his opposition were not the Trump administration's primary concern in the region

The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that Mr Trump planned to seek the help of Moscow to reduce the military presence of Iran in Syria when he meets Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki on July 16th.

Bolton's extended on this theme Sunday, saying that the presence of Iran was an issue that "both presidents will want to discuss at length."

"There are opportunities for broader negotiations to help Iranian forces get out of Syria, which would be a significant step forward," he said.

Skeptics wonder if the Kremlin has enough weight on Assad to urge Tehran to withdraw its forces from Syria. The Syrian regime relies heavily on Iranian forces and Shiite militias backed by Iran to seize the territory. Maintaining a military presence in Syria has also been a priority for Tehran, which has sought to maintain a corridor to Hezbollah, the militant group in Lebanon.

"All Assad support today for a promise to take out Iran later the problem," said

Rim Albezem,

a Syrian-American doctor who is active in the movement to oppose Mr. Assad's rule. "Neither Putin nor Assad can ask them to leave, they will leave when the costs will outweigh the benefits and not before."

Secretary of State

Mike Pompeo,

answer a question from

Senator James Lankford

(R. Okla.) During a congressional appearance on Wednesday, said the ultimate goal should be to foster a solution that led to the departure of Mr. Assad, as well as the Iranian forces.

Yet, Mr. Pompeo also made the point that Iran was the main threat to US interests in Syria.

"From the American point of view, it seems to me that Iran presents the greatest threat to the United States and the place where we should concentrate our efforts, at least in the beginning. policy, "he said.

Write to Michael R. Gordon at [email protected]

Appeared in the print edition of July 2, 2018 under the title "Bolton: Abolition of Assad Not Priority" .

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