Bolton: The United States intends to dismantle NK's nuclear program in the year


. ] John Bolton said top US diplomat Mike Pompeo will discuss the plan with North Korea in the near future. Bolton added that it would be beneficial for the North to cooperate so that sanctions are quickly lifted and help from South Korea and Japan begins to flow.

Bolton's remarks on CBS's "Face the Nation" had publicly proposed a timetable for North Korea to fill the chief of staff Kim Jong Un at a summit with President Donald Trump on last month for the "complete denuclearization" of the Korean peninsula.

Despite the post-summit declaration of Trump Washington and Pyongyang have not yet negotiated the conditions in which they would give up the weapons they've developed to deter the United States Doubts about the intentions of the North Korea have deepened in the light of reports that it continues to produce fissile weapons.

The Washington Post on Saturday quoted unnamed US intelligence officials as saying that evidence gathered since the June 12th summit in Ingapore signals preparations to deceive the United States over the number of nuclear warheads in the country. the arsenal of North Korea as well as the existence of undisclosed facilities for the production of fissile materials for nuclear bombs

. The agency believes that North Korea is unlikely to denuclearize.

Bolton refused to comment on intelligence issues.

He stated that the administration was well aware of the results obtained by North Korea. weapons development.

"We have developed a program I am sure that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will discuss with North Koreans in the near future on how to dismantle all their WMD and missile programs. ballistics in one year, "said Mr. Bolton. "If they have the strategic decision already made to do it, and that they are cooperative, we can act very quickly," he added.

He said that the one-year program proposed by the United States would cover all northern chemicals. Pompeo has already visited Pyongyang twice since April to meet Kim – the first time he was still director of the CIA – and there are discussions about a possible third trip to North Korea. the end of next week but such a visit has not been confirmed yet.

Pompeo spoke with the Foreign Ministers of China, Japan and South Korea about the situation with the North, according to the State Department. Pompeo postponed plans to meet Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and their Indian counterparts on July 6, citing unavoidable circumstances, fueling speculation that he would make a third trip. in Pyongyang

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