Bones reveal that a Neanderthal child was eaten by a giant bird


The two tiny knuckles, or digital bones of the hand, are about 1 cm long and belong to a Neanderthal child who was between 5 and 7 years old. The researchers determined that the bones were 115,000 years old.

ST. LOUIS – When the researchers discovered the oldest human remains ever discovered in Poland a few years ago, they did not realize that the bones hid a terrible secret.

In fact, it was not until this year that they understood that the bones were human, as they were found among animal bones. The researchers found that they were human during a laboratory analysis, according to Science in Poland.

The two tiny knuckles, or digital bones of the hand, are about 1 cm long and belong to a Neanderthal child who was between 5 and 7 years old. The researchers determined that the bones were 115,000 years old.

Two anthropologists, Anita Szczepanek of the Jagiellonian University of Krakow and Erik Trinkaus of the Washington University of St. Louis, confirmed that the bones belonged to a young Neanderthalian.

An analysis revealed that the bones were covered with dozens of holes, creating a very porous surface. This detail was very revealing, said the researchers.

"The analyzes show that this results from the passage into the digestive system of a large bird. This is the first known example of the ice age, "said Pawel Valde-Nowak, a team researcher and professor at the Institute of Archeology at the Jagiellonian University.

The researchers believe that the bird has either attacked and partially consumed the child, or that he has been nurtured after his death. At this point, it could be either, they said.

Unfortunately, the bones are poorly preserved, eliminating the possibility of a DNA analysis.

Previously, the oldest human remains found in Poland were three Neanderthal molars estimated at about 52,000 years old.

The phalanges have been discovered in the cave of Ciemna, where excavations have been going on for decades. They were found in a deep layer about 9 feet below the present surface, with stone tools used by the Neanderthals. It is not known if the bones found themselves in the cave because the Neanderthals lived there or because they used it seasonally.

The results will be published this year in the Journal of Paleolithic Archeology.

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