Book of Fear: Amazon Blends Issues in Ron Hubbard's Critics


New copies of Fear, a presentation on the Trump White House by Bob Woodward

Author's right of the image
Getty Images


Bob Woodward is one of Washington's most respected investigative reporters

According to the Gizmodo Technology News website, Amazon has published reviews for a novel by the founder of Scientology on the page of a new book about Donald Trump.

"I found that Fear was the biggest waste I've ever read," wrote a review of Ron Hubbard's Fear in 2000.

This review and other reviews of the novel were briefly related to Fear: Trump at the White House, by Bob Woodward.

The BBC has contacted Amazon for a comment.

Ron Hubbard published Fear, a horror thriller, in 1940.

He follows James Lowry, a university professor who believes he is haunted by supernatural beings or demons.

As Goodreads points out: "Lowry is pursued by a dark, secretive evil that turns everyone against him as he murmurs a warning in the shadows."

"We are in Crazytown"

Woodward's talk on Trump White House is currently a bestseller, having sold 750,000 copies on the first day.

It contains a number of quotes from White House staff criticizing Trump's treatment of the presidency.

"We are in Crazytown, I do not even know why none of us are here – it's the worst job I've ever had," the chief of staff said. John Kelly.

The critics seem to have been corrected.

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