Booted: Kicker Carlson released from Vikings, sign sign Bailey


The Vikings have a new kicker.

Eight-year veteran Dan Bailey will sign with the Vikings on Monday, according to NFL Media, after the team gave up new kicker Daniel Carlson, a league source told the Star Tribune.

Carlson, a fifth-round pick, missed three field goals, including a winning 35-yard overtime attempt at the Vikings' 29-29 encounter in Green Bay on Sunday.

Bailey, 30, was released by the Cowboys on Sept. 1 in a move that allowed Dallas to save a few million dollars by keeping a Canadian Football League buddy, Brett Maher, on top of him. Bailey is currently the second most accurate player in NFL history after converting 88.1% of his career attempts, behind Justin Tucker of Baltimore (90.3%).

Statistically, Bailey will release his worst season in 2017 when he made 15 of his 20 attempts and 26 of the 28 extra attempts. He missed four games for the Cowboys last season due to a groin injury.

Bailey played in three playoff games, making four of six field attempts and eight extra points. One of his failures in a defeat of the NFC division in 2014 against the Packers was blocked.

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