Boston Ballet dancer comments on Benintendi's amazing take on World Series


Once again, Red Sox league player Andrew Benintendi left the sporting fans stunned Wednesday night, when he made an impressive catch in the second game of the World Series against the Los Angeles Dodgers.

The game was played at the start of the fifth inning after Brian Dozier of the Dodgers sent a ball into the left field in the direction of the Green Monster. The shot was not a match for Benintendi, however, who was charging to the ball, jumped off the ground and executed a graceful maneuver to do outside.

People immediately took note of Benintendi's impressive positioning in the air, while attempting to catch the ball.

Moments later, the Internet was completely locked and the fans started it. Photoshopping: It was compared to Super Mario catches coins from a point of interrogation, and Michael Jordan ascending through l & # 39; air.

Most notable were the comparisons made between the Benintendi forms and that of professional ballet dancers.

But what did the experts think of its form?

"I watched the game last night and I saw it at top speed, then I see it now, I'm looking at it now in slow motion – which is even better – it reminds me of a classic step already, a really classic step, "said Patric Palkens, a Boston Ballet dancer. "It's something we use all the time in ballet. We call him a big thrown. "

Palkens, who grew up in Chelsea and is featured in this year's "Nutcracker" production, said that was where his mind immediately became interested after the play.

The hard movement is classified according to the straight and extended position of the artist's front leg, his slightly bent back leg and the way they leave the ground, said Palkens. Also important: the torso angle and the way the arms are stretched.

The 28-year-old dancer said a big throwing could take years to succeed, and the fact that Benintendi managed to get something similar in a fraction of a second during the game is "really damn impressive."

"It's a big throw for a reason," he said. "It's one of the biggest jumps in classical ballet. . . . This must be done at full speed and with as much height as possible. It's up there on a list of difficult moves. "

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Below, Palkens divides the form of Benintendi from head to toe.

Arms and torso

Andrew Benintendi used his right arm and right shoulder to turn around and catch the ball.

Andrew Benintendi used his right arm and right shoulder to turn around and catch the ball.

Jim Davis / Globe Staff

Palkens explained that Benintendi had used his right arm and his right shoulder to turn around and catch the ball while keeping his left arm at shoulder height, almost at a 90-degree angle, which is almost identical to the way the interpreters could position themselves during the execution of the movement.

"One of the things we use a lot in ballet as a methodology is this idea of ​​opposition," he said. "He throws his left arm back to allow his right arm to move forward. This torsion of his torso – you can see that his left arm goes up first so that he can move that right arm and that's something we use all the time in ballet. "

The height

It's all about timing when it comes to body position in the air.

It's all about timing when it comes to body position in the air.

Jim Davis / Globe Staff

Palkens said that everything was a question of timing with regard to the body's position in the air.

Apparently Benintendi did very well.

"The position in which he stands at the height of the jump when he catches that ball is far from a really classic ballet position," he said. "Point of [the grand jeté] is at the height of the jump to be in this position. And he does that without even thinking about it. The man is a natural horseman. Look at him."

He said throwing his left leg first is a key part of how the dancers jump.


"He really stretches out to have his legs in that kind of small slot," said Palkens, "which is also what this position is supposed to be, at the edge of a slot."

Without the slight flexion of his right back leg, Palkens said he would give Benintendi a 10 out of 10 for the form.

"It's just a little out, a little longer and it's in the right place," he said. "I say I would give it a 9 out of 10. Only 10 minutes [of practice] and we could make it perfect. "

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