Boy, 6, Birthday Alone Celebrates After No One Turned Up to Party


A six-year-old boy was left alone and disappointed after no one turned up to his first-ever birthday bash.

This past Sunday, Sil Mazzini threw her Teddy Bollinger at a birthday party at Peter Piper's Pizza restaurant in Tucson, Arizona, and she says, according to KVOA, she invited 32 of her classmates and their parents.

While only two people said they could not wait, the rest of the party-goers were no-shows, the birthday boy's mom said. "I'm done with parties for a while," Mazzini told ABC15 after her son's disappointing day.

For Teddy, whose real birthday was Oct. 3, a pizza party with his friends was all that he wanted for his 6th birthday.

When Mazzini asked her six-year-old how to best celebrate this year – KVOA said .

The party was supposed to be his first official big birthday bash.

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Mazzini told the news that she had her handwritten out invitations to her son's teacher two weeks before the party. The teacher then passed on to Teddy's classmates, with some of them confirming their attendance to Mazzini ahead of Sunday's event, she told the outlet.

"They told me they were going to come," said Teddy 's mother told the news, "The news is that they are planning to come to life.

"I got text messages saying they were going to come too," she continued.

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Heartbroken and disappointed for her son, Mazzini shared a photo of Teddy sitting alone at the party table at social media. She also feels the shot to KVOA reporter Nick Vin Zant, who shared the picture on his Facebook page.

It has gone viral with tones of people, organizations, and countries around the world Teddy's wishing a happy birthday.

Among those were the Phoenix Suns, who invited the boy to Wednesday's game against the Los Angeles Lakers.

"How about we celebrate at our place! Tickets to Wednesday's #SunsVSLakers game are all yours Teddy! Talk soon! "The organization wrote on Twitter.

Following their lead, the Phoenix Rising, invited Teddy to their playoff game on Friday.

"Teddy can get The Mala from @VeneziasPizza and join 7,000 of his closest friends this Friday. Come on out Teddy! #UpRising, "they wrote on Twitter.

Also adding to Teddy's birthday festivities are the Arizona Coyotes, who are reportedly planning to throw a pizza party for Teddy during their ice hockey game on Saturday, according to ABC 15. The team is also organizing a specific area and time for spectators to drop off unwrapped gifts for the boy.

On Monday, one day after his planned bash, iHeartRadio threw Teddy has a proper party, with many staffers from the media company and reporters from KVOA, including Lupita Murillo, in attendance at Teddy's go-to spot: Peter Piper Pizza.

Both Teddy and his mom have been grateful for the outpour of support from the community and beyond.

"We were not expecting the tickets. We never asked for anything, but we are happy that they invited us, "she told KVOA. "It's going to be his first game and he's super happy about it."

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Teddy personally thanked the hundreds of happy people for a happy birthday.

"Thank you all for the birthday wishes," he says in the video. "Big kiss."

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