"Brokeback Mountain" won three Oscars in 2006, was stolen from Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal

But before Ang Lee took over the direction of the film, Gus Van Sant had the job while he was working hard. Van Sant told IndieWire that his project was at a standstill because he could only get major players, such as Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon, to become gay lovers in the drama.

"Nobody wanted to do it," Van Sant told IndieWire. "I was working on it and felt like we needed a really strong cast, like a famous cast, that was not working." I asked the usual suspects: Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and Ryan Phillippe, all said no. "

" Brokeback Mountain "producer and scriptwriter Diana Ossana confirmed Van Sant's comments to IndieWire

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To find out more: 6 revelations about Heath Ledger's new documentary "I Am & # 39;

Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio will be stars of the film about Manson murders of Quentin Tarantino "Once upon a time Hollywood." (Photo: Andrew Cooper, Columb ia Pictures)

"Yes, all these young men (at the time)) Van Sant, who threw River Phoenix and Keanu Reeves in the story of love not shared" My Own Private Idaho "(1991), said that the inability to launch the major stars has overturned the project, for various reasons. in "Brokeback Mountain" toned down his enthusiasm.

"What I c I would have done, and what I probably should have done, was to throw more unknowns, without worrying about who were the main actors, "he said." I was not ready. I do not know why. There was just a kind of hiccup on my part. I guess everything that happened was something in me.

The film later went to Lee, who played Ledger and Gyllenhaal in revolutionary roles. Van Sant made a new film "It will not go far on foot"

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