Bradley Cooper reveals which rock star inspired his character Star Is Born


When Bradley Cooper signed to lead and star in a remake of A star is born, he knew exactly how his rock-star character, Jackson Maine, would sound. So he started working with a vocal coach to approach Sam Elliott serious delivery even before approaching Elliott from his brother, Bobby. (When Cooper finally met Elliott, he played the audio of his best imitation of Sam Elliott before asking the actor to be part of his film, essentially giving Elliott an elaborate and promising casting request. .)

It turns out that Cooper had an equally clear idea of ​​Jackson's base. look on – another legend in his artistic field, the leader of Pearl Jam Eddie Vedder.

In a new interview, Cooper revealed that he had actually traveled to Washington to follow the musician and resume his manners before filming A star is born remake, who is already considered an Oscar nominee.

"I went up to Seattle and spent four or five days with [Vedder] and I asked him 9,000 questions, "Cooper told Yahoo. "And he's given me little things that only musicians know about what to do, just aesthetically and internally. . . . He was wonderful.

When Cooper spoke to Vedder about his plans to sing in the film, the Pearl Jam leader was not very encouraging: Cooper laughed. "He was like, what? Bro, do not do that. "

At the Toronto International Film Festival earlier this month, Cooper said he was working closely with Lukas Nelson-the son of Willie Nelson and leader of the group, Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real – to learn to play the guitar and perform in front of an audience.

Speaking to Nelson at the premiere of his film at TIFF, Cooper said, "I remember you saying: Look, when you meet an audience, you'd better sing that song 1,000 times, and maybe 10,000 times. Because the first thing to do is to lose your breath. "

The film's musical sequence opens the public on stage with Cooper's Jackson Maine as he plays a song called "Black Eyes" for thousands of adoring fans. To give viewers the most authentic perspective of being on stage at a concert, Cooper asked Willie Nelson and Jamey Johnson He could intervene during their concert to interpret "Black Eyes" for this first scene. Nelson and Johnson allowed Cooper to film, but only allowed him eight minutes during filming, which meant that Cooper and his team had only limited time to run the number.

While Vedder was not quite convinced, Cooper could play the musical role of the film, co-star of the director. Lady Gaga said that she knew from the first notes that she heard Cooper singing that he could to become Jackson Maine.

"I just stopped playing instantly and I watched it and said: Bradley, your voice is amazing. You have a real voice, "Gaga said of his first meeting with Cooper, during which they sang the song" Midnight Special "by Creedence Clearwater." He sings of his soul. He sings of his guts There are people who can do a lot of acrobatics with their voice, but telling a story with his voice is a different animal.

Gaga explained, "It meant a lot to me, and I think of both of them that at the beginning of the making of this movie, we literally shook hands and he said," You are an actress. " You are musician. "

Gaga said that she realized that Cooper had become a full-time musician when, during a recording session, he entered his booth and immediately criticized what he was hearing. saying, "This is not Jackson's sound. , now we have a musician in our hands. "

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