Bradley Cooper says that he "made a friend for life" in Lady Gaga


Bradley Cooper is acclaimed by A star is born – and he has already become an incredible friend in his first wife.

43-year-old actor and director talks with PEOPLE's JD Heyman and Melody Chiu at his LA movie premiere about his strong friendship with Lady Gaga Monday night .

"I made a friend for life. The relationship I have with her because she's an amazing person is that this movie was awesome. I am very lucky to have worked with her, "said Cooper at Shrine Auditorium and Expo Hall.

When it comes to meeting her for the movie, Cooper visited the pop star at her home and stuck to a meal.

"It was absolutely crazy. When you say it, I can not believe it happened, "said Cooper, adding that he felt nervous about singing for her. "The only reason I had the guts was because she made me feel so comfortable."

The actor, who also directed the film, said he had used a video of his first duet for a presentation meeting, adding that "it had somehow happened."

"I did not know we were going to record it. She stopped after the first verse and said that someone heard you singing? I did not really say it. She said, "Well, let us know." The chemistry was so good and so easy that I went to Warner Bros. the next day and I played it for them, "he explained.

Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper

Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper

Rob Latour / Variety / REX / Shutterstock (2)

Regarding Cooper's interest in pursuing a musical career, the actor said, "The answer is no, it's the character.

"I do not even know how I would sing because I sing through him. It was a complete character. That said, there was a song that I wrote, called "Too Far Gone", that I had the idea of ​​a couplet and a bridge, so I I'll go to the recording studio and finish it, "he said. "So I do not know what the answer is."

A star is born It's around Ally (Gaga), a struggling singer-songwriter who finds success in a love affair with Cooper's country-rocker, Jackson Maine.

Earlier this month, Cooper, Gaga and Sam Elliott appeared on Hello America in which they praised the work done on the film and the growing popularity of the Oscars.

"I'm so happy that God gave him the talent and he chose it because it's a boat to cross," Cooper said about Gaga. "Because it's really what you make of it, and she's such a beautiful human being."

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Gaga gave the compliment to the star and talked about their immediate connection.

"We had instant chemistry when I met him," Gaga said. "As soon as I opened the door of my house and saw it, it was like you were hungry? We are both Italian and from the east coast and before I know it, I warmed leftovers for him and we ate together.

A star is born is in theaters on October 5th.

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