Brady reiterates his desire to play five more years in the epilogue "Tom vs. Time"


The epilogue "Tom against time" was unveiled Wednesday at noon.

Everyone has more than enough at this stage. Stop the fight. Tom vs Time ends up being a bloody draw.

In my opinion, Tom Brady and the filmmaker Gotham Chopra have passed their last hand with this last day before the first game of the season.

Of course, it's good for business. But even the most sybophant Brady forks (insert my photo here) have been exhausted by introspection, uncontrollable reading and reading of the tea leaves of the 2018 off season.

We did not really need closure. And we did not really understand it. But what's interesting is that Brady answered this question in the short film when he tackled external criticism.

"I'm learning to better manage the problem," Brady said. "I do not care so much about anything. I think of keeping things in perspective and worrying about things that really matter like my family, like people's health, like life and death. To worry about a lot of bullshit about what people can think or feel or say, I do not really care anymore.

That's enough.


The most interesting part of the episode? Brady's plans. He leaves the door open for early departure, but again declares that his preference is to play until age 45.

"I would like to play another five years," he said. "It will be a challenge for me. I do not think it's going to be easy. It will be difficult to do. It will be very difficult to do. But I think I can do it.

"Once you stop, you're done," he added. "I think I'm not ready to say I'm done. I do not feel like me. I think there are still things to accomplish. It would be like coming up to the top of the mountain and then saying, "I'm good, that's good." No, I really worked hard to get to this point. Why not finish this? (The story continues below.)

It is difficult to define what "finish" means. Her resume is becoming Ruthenian. He won more Super Bowls than any other quarter, played in more Super Bowls than any other quarter, won a MVP at age 40, authored returns that ultimately eliminated his detractors most rooted. What pic is he looking for?

Brady is referring to the lack of fun he's been feeling for a few years. And he also refers to relationships that "go back and forth".

"If I'm going to do something at this point, it will be because I like it," Brady said. "In recent years, a lot of things about football were not nice. Part was my approach. And I think every time you are together with people for a long time, relationships come and go.


In a rather dishonest moment, Brady then pinned the off-season hubbub on the climate within the Patriotic hierarchy on fans and insatiable media.

"I think people are looking for something to write and talk about," he said in the latest episode of a six-episode documentary about his footballing life that ended in February with existential questions about football and life.

"They want to talk about a lot of dramas and I'm sure a lot of teams have things like that but ours is in the tenth degree," he said.

I do not know if the inference is that the drama has been confused, invented or simply garden-variety drama that every team is experimenting with. But the high intensity of this off-season conversation was due to the fodder provided in the documentary, not to mention the sitdowns with Oprah and Jim Gray.

In the end, "Tom vs. Time "is less about football and more the search for personal and spiritual meaning. And after 35 years, many people have been affected by the pursuit of their career, individual stability and the beginning of a family.

You turn around and say, "I wanted those things as I grew up. I guess I'm tall now. So now, what should I do? Why do not I feel satisfied? What am I here for?


And, strange as it may seem, perhaps the documentary has the greatest value. He is a guy who has undeniably decided not to dispel his emotions and to really confront what he feels.

Even though he was taking a lot of shit for that. Even though we all benefited from the drama.

"When I look at the last six months, this is the first time I've taken a break from what I've done and what has been cyclical and monotonous," Brady said early. "But I think I needed something different this year. My family needed something different.

Who can not relate to the "cyclic and monotonous"? Who does not feel obliged to feel like a needle on a record, to go around in circles and to know that you have to change your sound?

On the way to Dubai! Who is with me!!??


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