Brave Scots teen Kira Noble reveals cancer battle continues as doctors diagnose new lesion


A brave Scots teenager who has battled cancer since she was young is still fighting the deadly disease once again.

Kira Noble, 15, from Edinburgh has been tackling neuroblastoma for around three years and during that time has faced numerous treatments in an attempt to get rid of the disease.

The Daily Record reported in June that Kira was given the all clear from cancer after raising £340,000 for life-saving treatment.

Kira had been battling neuroblastoma – a rare type of cancer that forms in certain types of nerve tissue – for the third time

However, the fourth year Firrhill high school pupil, is set to head back to the United States to undergo new Proton Beam Therapy (PBT) treatment.

Despite the treatment earlier this year being a success a recent scan has shown a new lesion just outside of her pancreas.

Doctors took the decision that Kira should head back to America for PBT in New Jersey which is a less intrusive form of radiotherapy.

Kira is set for a pioneering procedure to remove her tumour after her family raised £340,000

The family are due to fly out to America next week and fortunately, as so much money was raised earlier this year, Kira’s $80,000 treatment is already covered.

In an update on Kira’s condition the Kira the Machine Facebook page said: “Thank you is not a big enough word to begin to describe the magnitude of our gratitude to everyone for their huge efforts.

“There may be more treatment added on top of this PBT plan depending on what future results reveal.

“We have no definite date as yet but we will be flying out to USA some time at the beginning of November.”

People have taken to Facebook to wish Kira well with the new treatment she will have in the US.

Paddy Carey wrote: “Kira you are an inspiration to everyone. You go kick it again. Everyone is right behind you. Take care and will see you when you come back.”

Paddy Carey wished Kira Noble all the best with her treatment in the US

While Carol Hamilton said: “Stay strong, you have come such a long way, this will be the last hurdle , I’m very sure, Love to you all xx”

Carol Hamilton told Kira Noble to stay strong throughout her treatment

Pam Canning took to Facebook to say: “Glad to hear that you have a good plan ahead in place now. I have been thinking of you lots xx”

Pam Canning took to Facebook to say she was thinking of Kira

Lesley Black said Kira was a “superstar”.

She added: “Sending massive hugs and love for the next part of your journey Kira. You’re a superstar.”

Louise Murphy commented: “Thinking of you guys every day. Sounds like the professionals have come up with the best plan for Kira.

Louise Murphy said everyone was with Kira Noble throughout her struggle

“Sending tons of love & hugs. We are all with you.”

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