Brazilian soccer star found almost beheaded with severed genitals, report says


A Brazilian football star was found almost beheaded Saturday, his body was "cut", his body was thrown on a road known to be a place where criminals have the body.

Daniel Correa Freitas, 24, who plays for Sao Paulo FC – one of the country's biggest football clubs – was discovered in Sao Jose dos Pinhais, in the south of the country, police said.

An official cause of death was not immediately confirmed. However, a city guard told local newspaper Band B that Freitas was being "tortured".

"From the onset of the body, it was a very violent situation," said the city guard to the newspaper. "The man had two deep cuts in his neck, his head was almost beheaded and his genitals were sliced."

The road where Freitas was found is deserted and known to be a place where criminals throw corpses, said Group B.

"Sao Paulo football club deeply regrets death of midfielder Daniel Correa Freitas", tweet from Sao Paulo FC read. "The club empowers and presents its condolences to the family of the athlete."

Freitas played on loan for Sao Bento, second division, according to ESPN. The midfielder began his career at Botafogo before moving to Sao Paulo in 2015.

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