Breaking the fan makes this Spider-Man Easter egg the saddest of all time


As you roamed the New York City buildings in Spider-Man of Insomniac, what was supposed to be a love story for the ages became one of the saddest Easter eggs of all the temperature.

Tyler Schultz reached out to Insomniac in May, wanting to propose to his girlfriend of then a "big". Bill Rosemann of Marvel and Insomniac both responded to Schultz and made the idea of ​​the proposal a reality. At this moment, there is a sign from the Marquis who says, "Maddie, do you want to marry me?" to hide in the corners of the city.

Unfortunately, according to Schultz, Madison did not wait. In a vlogSchultz explains how to find the Easter egg and says that his girlfriend left him a few weeks before he could ask the question.

"I'm pretty happy it's in this game," says Schultz in the vlog. "A lot of people, when I told them how I would propose to him, I do not think they understood that there was a literal part of this game that everyone could go to."

Jacina ChewThe artistic director of Insomniac for Spider-Man, offered his condolences to Schultz in an answer to the sad story. She proposed to change the sign in an upcoming update.

Insomniac and Marvel's Spider-Man are filled with other Easter eggs, so be sure to check out our favorites. For even more (hopefully less sad) news, visit our Spider-Man platform.

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