A mother from Pennsylvania posted a smart sign to alert hospital staff that she will not be breastfeeding for a very good reason. (Photo: Getty Images)

Although the breast is better, as the saying goes, not everyone can breastfeed.

And the hospital staff, installed in the room of a new mother, will learn about breastfeeding. Many times. A new mother and a cancer survivor knew this and alerted the hospital staff with a beautiful pink sign.

Meghan Koziel, 29, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, said ABC News had the idea of ​​one of his followers on his Instagram page as she prepared to give birth.

The panel is titled "No Nursing Zone" and features this poem:

"Although breastfeeding is a very special task.
Please be aware before asking.
Our miracle baby will be fed formula,
And that will not affect his future. "

"I wanted it to be rosy and bright because that's what I am, and I think coming up with the poem was less intrusive," Koziel said. "To tell them" I do not have breasts. "They were reading the sign and laughing.

Cancer and the dream of becoming a mother

Breast cancer was diagnosed at Koziel in October 2015. She was 26 years old.

She has undergone chemotherapy, radiation therapy, double mastectomy and breast reconstruction, she told ABC News. She has not had cancer since July 2017.

Shortly after, Koziel married John, her husband, and performed an IVF to recover an egg to preserve her chance of having a child because chemotherapy damages the ovaries, she said. .

"I've always dreamed of being a mother," she said.

A fertility specialist has recommended the couple to try to have a baby naturally for six months.

In January 2018, the couple learned that he was waiting for him. "It was the best day of my life," she said.

The couple called the baby, born September 15, Kendra Jane, who, after Koziel, owes her name to her oncologist, Jane Raymond.

"I want people to know that you can be sick, but that you can still live a good life.If your dream is to be a mother, there are several options … you can find that love of the life."

Ahh … It looks like someone else is living a good life too!

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