Breast cancer diagnosed by mother on Valentine's Day reveals signs that all women should look for


A two-year-old mother who was diagnosed with breast cancer on Valentine's Day urges other women to be examined after undergoing exhausting treatment herself.

Hayley Rock, 41, found a mass in her right breast in January 2017, but did not think at all, after being done with benign cysts.

Hayley from Runcorn went to see a doctor so that she could be examined anyway. After being sent to the breast cancer clinic, she officially received a diagnosis of illness on Valentine's Day last year.

Hayley Rock with her husband Francis

The Director of Purchasing said, "We had just returned from a vacation in Florida and I thought I might have done wrong then, but I still decided to see a doctor.

"When I was with the Grand Prix, I was not really worried, but they said all my cysts were in my left breast – but that was in my right.

"I had an appointment at the breast cancer clinic, where I had a mammogram and an ultrasound. They immediately understood that it was a mass that displeased them.

"I had to wait five days, and then on February 14, I was told that I had breast cancer and that was something I would never forget."

"I was devastated, the words can not really describe it.What I was thinking of was my two little daughters, Emmy and Ava, aged nine and 11. I knew that They needed their mother and I did not want to leave them. "

Hayley Rock in chemotherapy

Hayley's consultant was very optimistic about her chances of survival because she had caught her early.

And Hayley was operated a week later to remove the lump, but the biopsy revealed that the cancer was more aggressive than doctors thought. At the age of 40, the consultants announced to a stunned Hayley that she would have to undergo chemotherapy.

Hayley added, "When I talked to the consultant, I thought I would not have to talk to girls about my illness, I thought I would just have removed the mass, and then some radiation, and that's all.

"But when I was told that I should undergo chemotherapy, I knew I had to tell them and it was the most difficult thing about the whole process.

"I sat them down and they were just devastated, they asked so many questions and the main one was:" Are you going to lose your hair, Mom? "

Hayley Rock in chemotherapy

To protect her daughters and maintain a sense of normalcy, Hayley has undergone chemotherapy with an anti-cold cap – which means that people with cancer usually keep their hair.

Treatment means that chemotherapy takes longer – but Hayley said it was vital for her.

She said, "I wanted things to be as normal as possible for girls." Ava was entering high school and I did not want her to have anything that made her stand out.

"I wanted to be a role model for my children and other young women who were undergoing treatment to show them that yes, it was bad, but that it was not great.

Hayley Rock in chemotherapy

"My husband for 12 years – Francis – was great too, he came with me for every chemotherapy session and every appointment, having your family around you is so important."

After her chemotherapy, Hayley underwent three weeks of radiation therapy and, by the end of September this year, underwent a risk-reducing hysterectomy.

Hayley said, "I am recovering from my hysterectomy and hope that 2019 will be a much more positive year for me and my family.

"I'd love to start volunteering soon and I'm still very active on social media, sharing my story with other victims and survivors.

Hayley Rock with her daughters Emmy and Ava

"I encourage all newly diagnosed individuals to ask as many questions as they wish, to use existing breast cancer discussion forums and to continue to talk and share how you feel with their patients." close – you should never lose hope.

The story of Hayley comes at the same time. Breast cancer research now shows that only 44% of women over 25 regularly check their breasts for signs of cancer.

Breast cancer is diagnosed every year in more than 300 women in Liverpool and more than 60 women in the region die of the disease each year.

12 signs of breast cancer using lemons
12 signs of breast cancer using lemons

In addition to the revealing mass, there are many other signs that may indicate cancer, which are listed below.

Symptoms of breast cancer

  • a size or size in the armpit, upper chest or chest – this may not be seen, but this may be felt
  • changes in the texture of the skin – such as ruffles or dimples on the breast skin
  • change into the nipples – a nipple can become inverted (turned inward) when it normally points outward
  • any unusual discharge of one or both nipples
  • rash or encrustation of the nipple or surrounding area
  • color change, such as redness or inflammation
  • changes in breast size or shape – one breast can become bigger than the other

Death of breast cancer in Merseyside

A Merseyside woman is still dying of breast cancer almost every day, according to data collected by our data unit in June of this year.

NHS figures revealed that 865 women in our region died of breast cancer between 2014 and 2016.

A total of 835 women in our area died of breast cancer in 2011-13.

The data show that the breast cancer mortality rate in Merseyside is also higher than the national average.

In England, 28,602 women have died of breast cancer in the last three years, or 34 per 100,000 women.

Breast cancer mortality rates vary across Merseyside regions and are even higher in some areas.

In South Sefton, for example, 95 women died of the disease, 38 per 100,000 women in the region – the highest rate in our region.

Similarly, Wirral recorded 37 deaths per 100,000 women, including 210 women who died of cancer.

Meanwhile, places like St Helens have seen fewer deaths from breast cancer – 105 women have lost their fight against cancer, or 34 per 100,000 women.

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