Breast Cancer: Hidden Surgery Scars


Treatment of breast cancer usually involves surgery to remove the cancerous tumor (lumpectomy) or the entire breast (mastectomy), as appropriate. In the past, the scars left after the surgery were obvious and constantly reminded of cancer treatment. Recently, advances in surgical techniques have made it possible to perform successful procedures so as to leave scars less visible.

To minimize the visibility of scars and leave a woman as natural as possible, surgeons practice incisions in less obvious areas, such as the crease under the chest, along the edge of the areola or along the shoulder. a natural fold in the armpits. Using the technique of hidden scars, specialists are able to successfully treat women's cancer while maintaining a quality of life and appearance that can be important when women regain their new normalcy. Mastectomies spared by scarred breasts remove all breast tissue while preserving the nipple and areola for a more natural look.

Mastectomies spared by nipples carry certain risks, such as loss of sensation around the nipple and loss of the nipple.

A nipple sparing mastectomy is performed by both a surgical breast oncologist and a plastic surgeon, who performs the first steps of the reconstruction. Taking a multidisciplinary approach to cancer treatment, the outstanding team of medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, general surgeons, plastic surgeons and other cancer medical experts meets to develop the plan. individualized treatment of each patient and ensure that each patient at ease with the plan.

Spokesperson's background:

Matthew Wakefield, MD, is a surgeon and medical director of Cone Health's Breast Cancer Program. He completed his medical studies at the University of Alabama at the Birmingham School of Medicine and completed his residency at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC. After graduating from medical school, Dr. Wakefield joined the US Army in 1998.

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