Breast cancer in your twenties is different from breast cancer when you are older in these 3 ways, according to a gynecologist


Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer in the United States, and it is estimated that about one in eight women will develop breast cancer during their lifetime, according to the non-profit organization. According to Susan G. Komen, less than 5% of those diagnosed are under the age of 40, but it is important to know that young people can (and have) breast cancer. In addition, breast cancer in your twenties is different from that of older people – and it is important to know what these differences may look like.

Both types of breast cancer can not be classified "in the same category," Bustle told Dr. David Ellman of the Women's Healthcare Boca Raton Florida. Major differences include cancer development, difficulty observing and more. In addition, it is important to know the possible symptoms of breast cancer in young people, and not to assume that it is impossible to contract the disease when you are young.

According to the American Cancer Society, a person's breast cancer risk doubles if a first-degree parent (parent, child, brother or sister) is diagnosed with breast cancer. In addition, people with the BRCA1 mutation are 55-65% more likely to develop breast cancer in their lifetime, and people with the BRCA2 mutation, 45% more, according to In addition, people who test positive for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations are more likely to get breast cancer when they are young. If you think you are at risk for developing breast cancer, it is important for you to talk to your doctor about your risk factors and how you can proactively protect your health.

Breast cancer can be different in younger people in three different ways.

1Younger realize that they have it via self-exams

Since most women do not undergo annual mammography before age 40, many young people actually discover their breast cancer when they self-examine their breasts. (If they even choose to do it at all – the Cleveland Clinic reports that many people may reject this practice, thinking that they are too young to be at risk.)

According to Dr. Ellman, a good way to regularly check your health is to pay close attention to the chest area while you shower. By paying special attention when you wash your breasts, you can see if something seems different or inappropriate. If you find anything concerning, it does not necessarily mean that you have cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, many tumors are actually benign, but a visit to your primary care physician or your gynecologist can help you determine your next steps.

2It can be more aggressive in young people

Although breast cancer is rare in people under 40, it is also true that when a person is diagnosed as young, According to Susan G. Komen, their breast cancer may be more aggressive than those over 40 years old.

Dr. Ellman says that when young women do breast self-exams, they may initially feel a mass that looks more like a "big push button" and ignore it, but soon they may feel fat . "Because it's a large mass initially, it's usually a much more aggressive breast cancer," Dr. Ellman said.

According to Dr. Ellman, younger people are generally no longer susceptible to potential tumors once they have grown up, rather than undergoing a mammogram, according to Dr. Ellman. detect smaller and potentially less aggressive tumors.

3It's harder to filter in young people

According to Dr. Ellman, younger women have denser breast tissue, which means that X-rays have more difficulty getting through.

However, as you get older, the breast tissue is replaced with adipose tissue, which facilitates the completion of an imaging study. "In an elderly person, [the x-ray] through [the breast tissue] more easily, so you're looking for white spots on a black background in an older breast, as opposed to a younger breast, you're looking for white spots on a white background, so it's a lot harder to see, "says Dr. Ellman .

Another way to confirm breast cancer in young people is to have a biopsy, in which some of the breast tissue is removed and examined.

The best way to stay informed about the health of your breasts is to learn about your family history and genetics, and to make sure you self-examine regularly. If you have a family history of breast cancer, a positive test for BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutations, or if you are generally concerned about your breast health as a young person, you can always talk to your doctor. Determine what are your risks. Knowledge is power, after all.

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