Breast cancer survivors left to pick up pieces of life | UK | New


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Minister of Health, Steve Brine, Supports Women for They Receive Better Care After Treatment

Survivors Are Left Alone to Pick Up the pieces of their life. side effects and psychological problems.

There are 579,000 women living with the disease in England as treatment improves and survival rates increase.

However, a study of 3,000 women with primary breast cancer found that 41% of them had not received the professional support they needed to cope long-term effects.

The Charity Breast Cancer Care, which sponsored the survey, said that specific support must be introduced in hospitals to allow women to take care of symptoms that differ significantly other cancers.

Yet, he found that more than half of hospital trusts do not offer specific support for breast cancer when women finish their treatment at the hospital.

The survey also revealed that less than half of them are not informed by a health professional of any possible long-term effects.

Many patients are forced to seek online counseling.

A third constantly suffers as a result of treatment, which also prevented a quarter from continuing a normal life.

The same proportion experience fatigue and turn to their GP to get the help and treatment they need to deal with the side effects.

The survey also revealed that more than half do not receive information about the symptoms of cancer return.

The charity has asked Health Minister Steve Brine to ensure that the NHS attacks the lack of specialized end-of-treatment care in the system.

The Department of Health and Social Services is now committed to ensuring that every woman who needs it can access a breast cancer-specific "support event" to help her get better results. Orient after treatment.

Samia al Qadhi, Executive Director of Breast Cancer Care: "It's unacceptable that women with breast cancer are consistently dropped in so many.

" After being blinded by the emotional and physical effects of the disease that have changed In their lives, far too many women are left to fend for themselves without the health support they need.

"Considerable progress over the past 70 years shows that, fortunately, more women are surviving breast cancer.

"It is crucial that the system catches up and ensures that these women receive the ongoing care they need to live well – not just survive."

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  Breast Cancer "title =" Breast Cancer NC

Kirsty said that no one had prepared her for side effects

Kirsty Brade was diagnosed with breast cancer in August 2015 when she was only 27 years old.

She underwent lumpectomy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy with Herceptin.

The treatment was considered a success, but Kirsty, a supermarket merchant, said no one had warned her about life after breast cancer.

She admitted that she was still suffering from fatigue and that she was worried that the cancer would come back at any time.

I need at least a day to recover from something as simple as meeting friends

Kirsty Brade

She said, "I have not received any warning that years after having finished my hospital treatment. maybe not bouncing.

"Nobody told me that cancer could come back, or what to look for." Instead, I ended up googling alone at 2am when I could not sleep. Prepared how long-term effects could be bad

"I am now a 30-year-old man living with constant fatigue. After the hurdles of the treatment, I told myself "now I am going to start feeling better", but that just has not happened.

"I do not think about my life after breast cancer because there are so many things to overcome first."

Kirsty, of Silsden, West Yorks, adds, "I, physically, can not work full time, I need at least a day to recover something as simple as meeting friends." 19659006] "Sometimes even climbing the stairs is a fight, but the support I need remains swept away. You do not return to normal.

"This may be just the beginning – information and support are essential."

The doctors said that she no longer showed the signs of the disease.

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