Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford Square stop the emotional audience with the court in equilibrium


"I know we have to take what she says very seriously," said committee chair Iowa Republican Senator Charles E. Grassley during a break at the hearing.

Dr. Blasey told the senators that this experience had "dramatically changed my life for a long time" and that during her university years she had to deal with her academic difficulties. And that affected her in unusual ways, she said. When she and her husband remodeled their home, she told the senators, she insisted on having a second door – an obvious reference to how she escaped from home where she stated that

The young Mr. Kavanaugh, described by Dr. Blasey and the Democrats, is very far from the image that the judge projected during his previous confirmation hearings, where he introduced himself as a father of two girls and basketball coach beloved ball.

Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, the highest Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, noted that Judge Kavanaugh had previously stated that he had never "drunk so much that he could not remember what had happened ". given by Judge Kavanaugh's first-time roommate to Yale, who stated that the young Mr. Kavanaugh was "frequently, incoherently drunk," and that when he was, he became "aggressive and bellicose" ".

Speaking calmly, Dr. Blasey used her opening statement to tell how she met Judge Kavanaugh when their social circles in their elite private schools met during her first year or second year, when she was 14 or 15 years old. of Judge Kavanaugh, who introduced them. "That's how I met Brett Kavanaugh, the boy who sexually assaulted me," she said.

One evening in the summer of 1982, after a day of diving at Columbia Country Club, in the suburbs of Washington, she attended what she termed "almost instant gathering" in a nearby house, a said Dr. Blasey to the senators. She said it was clear that Mr. Kavanaugh and one of his friends, Mark Judge, had been drinking and that she had only taken one beer. When she climbed the narrow stairs to use the restroom, she was pushed from behind into a room.

She described how "Brett and Mark" entered the room, locked the door and opened the music. "I was pushed on the bed and Brett put himself on top of me and he started putting his hands on my body and biting me," she said. "I shouted, hoping that someone downstairs could hear me and tried to move me away from him, but his weight was heavy."

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