Brett Kavanaugh, Elon Musk, "Night School": Your Friday Briefing



Here's what you need to know:

The Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled a vote this morning on the Supreme Court candidate, a day after a moving testimony that rivaled the nation. Read our article on Thursday's hearing.

Two stories took place Thursday: Christine Blasey Ford, her voice trembling from time to time, said that Brett Kavanaugh, drunk, had sexually assaulted her when they were teenagers.

He angrily denied the accusation and denounced a partisan "frenzy" determined to destroy his appointment, his family and his reputation. President Trump congratulated Judge Kavanaugh, saying that he had "shown America exactly why I named him".

Strong points: Here are four key points to remember from the key moments testimony and video.

Analysis: Dr. Blasey said she was 100% certain that Mr. Kavanaugh was his abuser. He said that he was 100% certain that he was not there. What will the senators say?

At almost nine o'clock, Thursday's hearing was "a political drama that doubled as a reality show," our correspondent wrote in the media. "It was a question about gender, class and power in #MeToo America. It was a duel of conflicting narrators. And there were elements of a major sports show, a confrontation between rival teams with comments at halftime. " Read more here.

Transfixed Americans: We talked to people across the country.

Two votes: The political divide and gender inequality played not only in what Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh said, but in the way they said it, writes our television critic.

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